Help! I'm stuck!

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Help! I'm stuck!

Postby greyhorse » April 26th, 2006, 3:52 pm

Hi everyone! I've been a MF'r since Jan 3 this year, and I've been thrilled to have lost 70 lbs. so far. However, in the last month the weight loss has slowed dramatically, to less than a pound a week, even to a standstill, and I've been wondering if I need to change something in my program or is this plateau/slowdown inevitable, and I just need to ride it out?

I've followed the MF recommendations strictly since the beginning, and work out 3X a week at Curves, live on a small farm with lots of physically taxing chores to do, (like shovelling poo), plus my job involves walking on varied terrain. Oh, and, I have NOT cheated a bit!

I know I've been spoiled by my initial rapid weight loss, but can any of you share your experience and suggestions about "stuck-ness"? I'm kinda gettin' worried. I still have a long way to go! Thanks for your help! (53 y.o. female 5'7" 270-200-150ish)

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Postby sidrah » April 26th, 2006, 4:32 pm

First, WOW :shock: on the 70 lbs. That's really great. I think it could be a combination of things. Your body adjusted to the new foods and might have acclimated to that way of eating. I would change things up a little bit, maybe. I am not saying that you should cheat, of course.
You have done really well, so far. I think maybe you might have hit that plateau and can expect a big weghtloss at some time soon, though.

Are you eating 6 supplements or 5 and 1 meal? Maybe something like switching the combination of foods might jumpstart things again for you?
Something like extra water or maybe less exercise for a while might be a change your body needs.

Either way, I think that eventually something will kick in. In the meantime, keep on going cause you're doing a great job.
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Postby dede4wd » April 26th, 2006, 4:37 pm

You had a slowdown, huh? Keep a food diary and make sure you haven't let anything slide...I realized I wasn't being as strict measuring my veggies and such for my L & G and was having WAY too much! I plateaued MUCH earlier than you...I cut out my bar and was just guzzling water to get out of it, it still lasted like 13 days. If you're working out a lot and your job is physically taxing, you may want to ADD a shake...I know this helped me. Look over your program, mix things up a bit and then if you're still stuck, there's a chance adding a shake might help. I didn't even realize how much more physical my job was until Jan suggested it to me and I was out of my stall within 3 days. Maybe it will help you! Good luck and let us know how it's going!

I'm sure more advice will be coming your way! You've come so far! I'm so happy for you and know how much we don't want to slow down the train to thinsville!

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Postby Arklahoma » April 26th, 2006, 9:10 pm

GreyHorse ... omitting snacks and bars helped me tremendously.

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Re: Help! I'm stuck!

Postby Lizabette » April 26th, 2006, 10:05 pm


You have received some good suggestions so far, and probably more will follow.

Another thing to consider is that your body is saying it would like the loss to slow down some. Your weight loss thus far has been incredible, averaging over 20 pounds a month.

You are very active, and the suggestion of adding another shake or meal sounds like something to try for a week or so and see what happens.

I doubt you have to worry as long as you stay compliant--as we've all heard so many times, we didn't gain it overnight and we won't lose it that quickly either! Wish we could!

Having said that, MF is the fastest and easiest weight loss plan I have ever witnessed in my long life! It has worked wonders for me!

You're doing great, GREYHORSE. Most of us can envy what you have accomplished in such a short time. At the same time we are excited for you and cheering you on. :cheerleader:

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Postby greyhorse » April 27th, 2006, 7:24 am

Thanks, folks- you've given me some ideas. :)

And I agree, Lizabette - I've been on many diets since I was a kid, and NOTHING has been as easy or fast as Medifast! I'm so glad a co-worker told me how she had lost so much weight in such a short time.

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