Help...I'm stuck!!

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Help...I'm stuck!!

Postby tiniebeanie » June 19th, 2005, 12:34 pm

I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 weeks!! And it's driving me crazy. I am 100% compliant, I drink well over the recomended 64 oz of water everyday..I'm a water freak. However, I am not recomended by the MF book. Anyone have any words of wisdom?? :oops:
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Postby joysea » June 19th, 2005, 3:36 pm

What was suggested to me by Nancy: DONT USE THE BARS for a really did the trick for me! I didn't think I could live without them - but actually not eating them has helped in decreasing the binge mode.

BTW, I live in York, PA...and work at Stauffer's Cookie Factory!!! If I can do this working surely can. ;)

Let me know if this helps!


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Postby doglover » June 19th, 2005, 6:35 pm

Hey Joyce. Let's both give up the bars for a week and see what happens shall we? I am game to just get to my goal and if you are stuck maybe we can support each other in this. It sure will be hard for me, but all things are possible right?!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby tiniebeanie » June 19th, 2005, 6:59 pm

I will try to go without the bars..but I love them soooo!! I'm not a big fan of the soups, but I am willing to try anything.

Gee, Joyce, you really have it tough working at Stauffers!! Working around all of that delicious and tempting food. Best of luck to you, thanks for the input. :thumbup:
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Postby joysea » June 19th, 2005, 8:44 pm

Donna and tiniebeanie~

Yes, let's make a pact: just for this week eliminate the bars. :-P (Just put on a happy face - we can do this!) :lol:

I have been making the chocolate pudding, adding some DaVinci syrup and freezing it...that has helped immensely to satisfy the sweet craving. If you don't have the MF pudding, use the shake packet and just add 4-6 oz. water, add flavoring and freeze. Just a suggestion.

So, just until roll call next Sunday, we are officially in the NO BAR ZONE!


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Postby doglover » June 20th, 2005, 6:51 am

Oh man, I am already regretting this :roll: I usually have a bar at 10 and it's 9:48 and I am really wanting one! But I can be strong..... :weightlift:

Let's do this. I think I will be having a lot of pudding this week! ;)
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby Dean0408 » June 20th, 2005, 8:34 am

No bars may help. Before maintenance I just did the shakes.........I never really liked the soups or the oatmeal. I did have a bar (the smores with coffee) every day though.

If you really want to get the fat burning off again, try a brisk daily walk.........before breakfast if you can. It really works. Map out a route that takes you about 2 miles or so. This will only take about 30-35 minutes and since you had no breakfast (you can have water), the only energy there is to burn will be fat.

It works for me.........especially while on maintenance.

Just a thought,
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Postby joysea » June 20th, 2005, 10:54 am

Happy face, Donna, happy face!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



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