Good morning Judy,
I don't have but a second, but I couldn't resist opening up your post......You sound so much like my Mom who started the program 3 weeks ago. I've been having this same conversation with her over and over and over let me tell you all the "words of wisdom" I had for her.....
First........making the "treat for treat day" was absolutely and utterly
INSANE and absolutely and utterly
OUT OF THE QUESTION from now on!! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

Do NOT put yourself into that situation again......good grief much will power do you expect yourself to have??? Those "treats" weren't for you, and you aren't the girl to be providing the food for others right now. You have to put yourself FIRST......every minute of every must be you you you!!! slipped but you didn't collapse

And you came here which is always the sign of hope. You didn't hide in the closet and live in denial like we've allllllllllllll done sooooooooooo many times before. Being accountable is the first step to living in reality. so GOOD FOR YOU!!
Now start your day back on track and move forward. And tell your co-workers they will have to get fat and be unhealthy WITHOUT YOU!! Treat day indeed........I say again.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!
And go and practice hugging and loving your children because you are going to be healthy enough to be doing that for a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long time