Dear BumbleBee ~
Your question regarding poopage is not silly - sometimes beaver dams block the river flow and intervention is needed.
I can totally

empathize with you, Darlin' - I remember actually

praying for poopage!
Medifast does not recommend figs or any other type of fruitage on the 5 and 1 Weight Loss Program. Constipation...I believe Crystal Gayle sang a country song about it - "Don't it make your
blue eyes
constipation there are few things we can do here:

Water consumption is a very important component - if you are taking in adequate amounts of water per day, good!

If not,

increase your water consumption.

look at some other options here:

Walking or some mild form of

exercise is beneficial.
Medifast oatmeal for

breakfast will help to

move things along as well as having broccoli (raw or cooked). Most
vegetables will help to provide the bulk and fiber needed for regular elimination.
Notice I used the word
‘regular’ and not the term
daily dumpage?
Since we are eating more nutritious foods now with less bulk and wasted calories, our body utilizes more of the fuel we give it and there is less waste. Bowel habits will change – most likely you will not experience the daily reading sessions and go less often now but there will be some pattern that is right for you that will eventually be established.
All flavors of the Medifast 55 & 70 regular shakes other than
Dutch Choc contain
3 grams of fiber per packet (The Dutch Choc has 4 grams). Women's Health shakes have 4 grams of fiber.
The regular line of bars has 2 grams of fiber each; the Fruit n’ Nut & S’more granola bars have 1 gram of fiber each.
All flavors of Medifast Oatmeal, the puddings and the Diabetic Bars each have 4 grams of fiber.
So...what's a

bound up body to do?
Some people have been successful by adding some psyllium powder or psyllium husk to their shake or having some
sugar-free Orange-flavor Metamucil or Citrucel.
Make sure you are getting some oil in your Lean and Green meals - perhaps adding from 1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon of olive or canola oil on your
salad will help.

You may consider using a stool softener – they are generally considered to be safe because they provide
moisture to, to,

uhmmm, to uh make for easier
poop slidage and can make it easier so you don’t have to grip the

walls of the bathroom, risking structural damage to the doorposts.

Passage happens with relative ease when using a stool softener.
Colace, Surfak or Dialose can help with
rock removal…
I would not recommend a laxative unless you are so

miserable that you are looking for

dynamite and then I’d suggest that you don't take any type of laxative without first discussing it with your doctor.

You may want to do a topic search using the word ‘constipation’ – use the search clicky above.

Been there. Ain’t fun!

Good luck, Little Darlin’ and may the issue of the
Big C soon be flushed from your life!