Help! I'm hungry!!

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Help! I'm hungry!!

Postby Ladywyngs » April 25th, 2005, 6:57 am

:x What can I do??? I have been on Medifast for 8 days and am sill hungry!!! Drinking the water doesn't work and my stomach commences to growl LOUDLY!!!

Susan in Alabama
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Postby DonicaB » April 25th, 2005, 7:40 am

Susan~~I still have problems with my stomach growling. As a matter of fact it is growling right now. I just takes time for your body to adjust to the decrease in calories. My stomach was so used to getting TONS of food that it has really been hungry. :shock:

I look at it like this. If my stomach is growling that is a good thing because that means I have not been stuffing my face. :hammerhead1:

It is OK to have an extra supplement if you really need it.

Hope that helps. Maybe one of the experts (aka Nancy) can give you some better advice..

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Postby Nancy » April 25th, 2005, 9:28 am

Hello, Susan ~

Most people experience some hunger during the first few days of any weight loss program and sometimes it can be attributed more to head hunger than actual physical hunger. Typically once a Medifaster has pushed through the first three to four days of their program, most of their physical hunger symptoms have gone away as they are in the mild fat-burning state we refer to as ketosis. For some reason, we do find some clients that still experience hunger sensations. I was one of them. I remember going to bed early because I didn’t think I could stand the empty gnawing feeling I had. I awakened several times at night with my stomach growling loudly.

First may I remind you that it is really important to eat your meals on time – review your daily plan, be sure that you take a packet every three hours. In the first few days or week, you may add another shake to your meal plan and it may help curb your hunger. When people go too long between meals, hunger sensations can build up and then it takes a while to get the hunger in control again. Set an alarm or a time to remind you to take your Medifast packets on time. Usually people feel relatively no hunger until meal time but it sounds like your hunger is continuing to plague you. OTC acid blockers such as Pepcid AC™, Tagamet™ or Zantac™ can be helpful, too. You may take some in the morning and evening to help manage hunger pangs.

Medifast Plus Appetite Suppression shakes may help you also. I have a few clients that use the MF+ Appetite Suppression shake in the afternoon or early evening to help them with hunger as it has Medifiber, a natural fruit fiber that gives a feeling of longer-lasting hunger satisfaction.

I hope that helps you, Susan.
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Postby Dean0408 » April 25th, 2005, 10:43 am


You most definately are not alone in the "I feel hungry!" category. I felt hungry for the first two weeks. I think it was because I was used to "stuffing" myself at know, eating until I was really full instead of until I was no longer hungry.

Try having some boullion, or your allowed stalks of celery and/or pickles when the hunger pangs kick in hard. Follow the advice that Nancy has given you...........absolutely do this.

I will tell you that the hunger pangs eventually go away. You may get cravings that you will have to fend off throughout your dieting phase, but this of course will be more mental than physical.

All I can say is.......Hang in there! This too shall pass.

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