help- help I feel like I am drowning

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help- help I feel like I am drowning

Postby susan » June 2nd, 2004, 4:29 pm

hey gang,
I really need help . I haven;t posted or been on the forum for over 3 weeks now .I am stuck on 61 pounds lost and I mean stuck .I haven;t gained but I haven;t lost anything either I still have 39 pounds to lose and I wonder if I am going to lose it. this week I was so down that I ate off the program and now I am struggling to get back on .I have tried for 2 days now but end up cheating .I have got to over come this and get back on the program I really need help-----------. I don;t know why it is so hard to get back on the train but it is .I got to get to my goal of 100 pounds lost .and 39 pounds to go so help me get back on this train . I haft to get to 131 pounds thats what I set out for and I need to get there from here .but right now I am really down becasuse I keep cheating I get so hungry and I try to talk myself out of it but I end up with a bite of something before I know what I am doing . I have been walking everday 2to 3 miles a day I guess that is what has keep me from gaining but I can use any support I can get and I want to say welcome to all you nubbies also. susan :sadblue: :yeah:
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 2nd, 2004, 4:47 pm

Hi Susan,
We've been missing you around here....:(

How was your eating schedule at the time your weight loss started slowing down? I know you've been a slow loser all along, but you should be able to keep moving toward your goal.

Any major stresses, getting all your water, fudging on your lean/green at all? How much exercise you been getting?

Let us know if you want Nancy to give you a call. We'll get it arranged. Maybe she can help you figure it out.

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Postby Nancy » June 2nd, 2004, 10:01 pm


We've been wondering where you've been. Sounds like you have been visiting the kitchen cupboards a few times lately, huh? Sometimes people get weary of the program whn they have been plugging away at it for a while. How well I know!

You mentioned that you have eaten off the program for a few times and it is rotten to hear this, but even one cookie, a slice of bread or fruit, etc. can mess up the ketosis stage and then we feel hungrier than ever!

Read "The No Man's Land Trap" found on pages 100 - 104 in Success in a Shaker Jar by Linda Spangle. I think it will help you.

You have done a great job on the program and are seeing the end of the tunnel. You are receiving a lot of compliments for a job well-done and you are so anxious to be on to new things. You are feeling so good now that you are off of your diabetic medication and I can understand why you want that final 39 pounds off. Check with your doctor and be sure that your weight goal is realistic for your body, for your age and for your health needs.

If your doc says you need to get those last 39 pounds off, then Susan, get with the program and go full steam ahead. Go for IT. NO deviating from your goal. Just do it!

If your doc says, just five more pounds, go for it.

Choose today what you're gonna do and then do it, Susan! You are not a quitter. By the help of the Lord you have been successful and you are going to continue to be successful. You can do it! We KNOW you can.
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Postby Landylue » June 4th, 2004, 12:59 am

Susan, you have done marvelously up to now! I want to encourage you to stay the course and not give up. What you have accomplished is incredible and I for one am in complete awe of the discipline and will power that it took for you to lose over 60 lbs! We are all so proud of you, and look up to you as one of the success stories on the forum. We would also give our eyeteeth to be where you are now!

There are a few of us out here now who are having to take a step back and regroup and readjust our fasting efforts. Please join us in reinventing your personal fasting program. Your body is very much different than when you first started--make some changes! Talk to Nancy and take her advice.

We are all going to make it to goal, if we hold each other up.

I know you can do it, and I'm pulling for you.

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