HELP!! Having a food obsession!!!

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HELP!! Having a food obsession!!!

Postby BonitaGirl » February 6th, 2004, 1:21 pm

I work right next to a TGI Friday's restaurant and I am obsessing about the Pecan-crusted Chicken salad that they have. Can I have this on the modified? I already passed up the donuts right outside my cubicle, but I can't seem to get the thought of this salad out of my mind since it MAY be okay to have. Please...please...
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Stay Put....please

Postby HD » February 6th, 2004, 1:38 pm

I gently insist you stay put until you find the right answer. I'm new and doing the full-fast (only doing the 5 shakes) so I don't have the answer. If you feel like you can't hold back then call Nancy, Quick! I hope someone see's your post soon so you don't cave in. Hang in there, please.
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Postby BonitaGirl » February 6th, 2004, 1:42 pm

oh cubie neighbor just called up and ordered one of those salads to eat at her desk. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! And we didn't even talk about this at all, she said that she has been craving it as well. OH HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

I really am trying to wait to see what the answer is and hopefully someone can help me soon...**whimper**
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Postby HD » February 6th, 2004, 1:52 pm

Got a water bottle with ya? Drink it all! Go to the bathroom while your cubie friend eats. Whatever you do, don't cave in to it. You can do this! Think about the end results, think about what you need to do when you get home. Hang tight, you can do this.
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Postby finalstraw » February 6th, 2004, 1:56 pm


Call you health advisor, you should have a 1-800 number, call them and ask. I forwarded you request onto the health advisors that run the forum, keep checking back. For a quick answer like this, I would just call.

Let us know how it goes. :D

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Postby BonitaGirl » February 6th, 2004, 2:13 pm

Thanx Stephanie!

Unfortunately I don't have my health advisor's number here at work. I thought I had bookmarked his site, but nope, not here and I can't find it.

HD, I am drinking a ton of water and have actually had 32 oz since I first posted this question. So in between running to the bathroom, I have been checking back here. Somewhere in there I am supposed to be working also. ;)

I don't feel right calling Terry or Nancy as they are not my "official" health advisors. :(
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Re: HELP!! Having a food obsession!!!

Postby explorthis » February 6th, 2004, 2:22 pm

BonitaGirl wrote:I work right next to a TGI Friday's restaurant and I am obsessing about the Pecan-crusted Chicken salad that they have. Can I have this on the modified? I already passed up the donuts right outside my cubicle, but I can't seem to get the thought of this salad out of my mind since it MAY be okay to have. Please...please...

Pecan? Crusted? Yikes.. Here is Friday's response to a "nutritional information question regarding the Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad.

Thank you for your recent Internet correspondence. We appreciate your interest in our T.G.I. Friday's menu selections. It is our policy to always try and satisfy our valued guests. We have over 75 menu items, with recipes that are possibly subject to change several times through out the year. We do not have the nutritional values calculated for these items. The recipe specifications for preparation can vary. Therefore, we are unable to provide detailed information regarding the ingredients/nutritional information of our menu items. Again, please accept my apology that I am unable to provide this information to you. If you have any additional questions, or would like to discuss this further, please contact our Guest Relations department at (800) 374-3297 (option 1), between 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. Thank you, Kevin Guest Relations

If it's questionable, I (me) would say NO. Your craving is probably dissipated by now ?!?!?!

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Wish i knew more

Postby HD » February 6th, 2004, 2:26 pm

I found a post from indigo (Laurie) and in her post it say's 5 ounces of lean meat and a small salad. If you have to pick out whatever is not meat or lettuce. I've been scanning through my book and I know carrots are out also. Grab a pickle if you have access to any. Gawd, I'm sorry I'm not much help here :brickwall: You hang tough girl and down that water.
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Thanks Mike

Postby HD » February 6th, 2004, 2:34 pm

Thanks for stepping in there Mike, I was totally lost in the help dept. As Always "Your the Man"!
How many people do you save a day? :bow: You really should be on commission you know :thumbsup:
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Postby BonitaGirl » February 6th, 2004, 2:41 pm

Thanx guys!!

I am still craving it madly, but I have gotten control of it. If I would have given in to that craving, then I wouldn't be able to eat dinner with my family tonight. I realized that and that it was too much to give up just to satisfy a craving. Ooh..maybe we will go to TGI Fridays for dinner :D

Mike, HD and Finalstraw, you guys are awesome and really helped me in my time of need. Thank you!

Off to go guzzle a Dutch Chocalate shake...mmmm..... :guzzle:
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 6th, 2004, 4:45 pm

I emailed Nancy at work and this was her reply.

Nancy wrote:Oh, People! First of all, I am so pleased that many of you came to her rescue before she succumbed to the pecan encrusted chicken.

My first thought when Unca sent this emergency request to me was that I pictured myself with fat encrusted thighs and hips, therefore it was easier for me to eject the thought of eating the TGI Friday pecan-encrusted chicken specialty! When I am faced with a killer temptation, I remind myself of my goal - to maintain a healthy bod, to live with peace of mind (Terry and I I live our lives with NO regrets - we live on the edge of all our possibilities!) and to remain at an appropriate weight. Often just reminding myself of my goals deters me from eating something that comes with regrets...

I change my location when I get a whiffy of something that is tempting.

When a goody wafts by my nasal passages, I tank up on hot tea or a glass of water and fill my time with something else - I DO something active - I avoid the foody area. I have driven several miles out of my way to avoid driving by the bakery that has fresh-baked bread - that bakery has a Sniff Indicator Pipe mounted on its roof and it periodically pumps out bread fumes and then a loud speaker screams out my name! I've installed a device on my car that automatically blares, "Back away! Nancy Kay Pettit, back away from the bakery!

I remember how great it feels to slip into a size 4 pair of leather pants and the idea of sucking down pecan-encrusted chicken vaporizes from my mind.

Remember WHY you are doing this. It is not for the rest of your natural life. There is life after Medifast.

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Postby shineface » February 6th, 2004, 8:23 pm

amen-amen-amen Nancy---

I can't believe the discussion has been around the Pecan Chicken Salad at TGIF ---- this particular dish has crossed my mind in the past two weeks.

Thanks Mike - you put it into words for me also - in my head I KNOW this dish is not an option for me --- end of story. I can obsess about a lot of things BUT the final choice is mine AND the past choices I've made is what got me to 290lbs --- I'm working hard at total re-programming and staying away from anything that might even mildly resemble an OLD CHOICE!!!!

Hang tuff guys --- your support bolsters my program every day!!!!

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restaurant food

Postby Jade » February 7th, 2004, 8:29 am

Great advice everyone. I have good friends in the restaurant biz. This is what they say; most places like TGIF's and other chains make these supposed "healthy" entees. They look healthy but are usually doctored up with oil, breading, and little wonders like pecans. Not to mention that the portion sizes are always large. Personally, I think it is best to avoid these places as much as possible, especially during the first weeks. Try getting into creative cooking and marinades made from allowable ingredients. There are so many variations with herbs, flavored vinegars, chiles, etc. I don't have a Friday's next door to tempt me, so I'm sure this could make it harder. But you CAN do it. I've lost 20 lbs in 25 days on the modified plan. I think a lot of that is due to being pretty religious about the portion sizes and ingredients. Take heart, and keep on going. We all can do this together. Jade
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