Help! I had a weak moment

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Help! I had a weak moment

Postby RoRo » June 24th, 2006, 2:36 pm

I am new to MF and went about 4.5 hours without eating. (meeting ran LONG!!!!) I was famished and no MF meal on had to help out

When I got home, my boyfriend had ordered pizza for my two littles ones, I had a weak moment and had a slice of pizza as soon as I walked in the door

I ate it without thinking and now I am beating myself up. :cry:

I did not eat any more MF meals for the evening (I had two left along with my lean and green) and drank plenty of water!

Should I have eaten the other two MF meals??

I was up a pound the next morning, but I hate that I had no self-control.

Ro (dusting self off and back on the wagon)
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Postby alpha femme » June 24th, 2006, 3:18 pm

just move on. start over in compliance. i think the reason most diets fail is that people slip up once and then throw in the towel. which... is really quite ridiculous. after you've been on plan a while, it will get much easier.

maybe you should keep a bar and/or crisps at work for an emergency. maybe get some sugar free jello cups for home emergencies.

but do not beat yoursef up. :o)
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Postby Ketann » June 24th, 2006, 4:57 pm


Like alex said, don't beat yourself up. We are all human and humans are designed to err. Success on this program is proper planning. Bring extra bars and packets to work for days you are stuck. Maybe get the ready to drink shakes. I am on the road a lot, so I keep packets and a 16 oz. shaker in the car. It has saved me more than once.

Dust the pizza cumbs off :) Start shakin' that weight off! :beerbeer:


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Postby Elke » June 24th, 2006, 5:04 pm

I agree with what my fellow loosers have said and I will only add that you not put so much time between meals. When we are hungry we are weak.
You know what mother always said...Never go shopping when your hungry cause you'll try to buy everything. The same goes for this diet.
You will do just fine, stay strong :)
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Postby DogMa » June 24th, 2006, 5:18 pm

What everyone else said, but to answer your question, I'd have skipped my lean and green, but gone on and had the other two meals. You want to get your blood sugar back onto an even keel, plus there's the psychological advantage of feeling you're back on program a couple of hours later.

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Postby dede4wd » June 24th, 2006, 6:08 pm

I agree totally with Robin and the others! Dust off the pizza crumbs and get right back with it! I'm so glad you're with it and consider this a learning moment, now you'll always have an extra bar or shake on hand for those times when life gets in the way of the plan!

Don't beat yourself up AT ALL! You got right back on and you're going to do GREAT!
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Postby MyFriendTT » June 24th, 2006, 7:19 pm

Hi and Welcome!

Just to add what everyone has said...

When I go off a diet plan, I stop, take a deep breath, tell myself, "That's OK. You were doing the best you could at the time" and then I get RIGHT BACK ON. I don't wait until the next day. I get right back on that VERY SECOND and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get back on track. If that means identifying triggers, journalling, coming up with a future plan, making the right food for the next day, or expressing my feelings in an appropriate way, then that's what it is.

No one has ever felt any better by beating themselves up!!! You will probably be on this plan for MONTHS, eating 6 meals a day. If you screw up one or two here or there, it is not such a big deal in the whole scheme of things. Just make a better plan for next time, forgive yourself and move on.

Also, in a moment of weakness, standing in front of the frig, contemplating cheating, I might ask myself, "Do I really need this? What do I REALLY need right now?" And it might be that I need to go hit a pillow or scream in my car because I'm angry, or have a good cry, or have my BF give me a huge hug or call someone who loves me.

Just some ideas that have worked for me....

Take care.

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Postby RoRo » June 25th, 2006, 8:00 am

Thank you all for your kind words and "pearls of wisdom and encouragement"

I am on plan with a new mindset. The pizza was not worth it!!! I LOVE ME and must tell myself that I am more important then any morsel of food.

Thank you all again!

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Postby Jan » June 26th, 2006, 10:15 am

Hi RoRo,
You've got it figured out. The pizza was not worth it. :x Many times we just do what I call "eating on automatic". Before we even think about it ---that hand of ours has snatched something up and stuffed into our mouth. Don't worry -- you are learning as you go. :D You now know that the long term goal of parting with the pounds is "sweeter" than the pizza. Keep posting you'll do great. I thnk going such a long time between meals most likely led to your weak moment. I know when I don't get enough calories in during the day I'm really tempted to climb through my cupboards in the evening. :mrgreen:
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Postby bdg » June 26th, 2006, 11:11 am

I found, especially when I started the program, that I was programmed for what to do at lunch time. For me that was run to one of the 3 restaurants close to work (McDonalds, Subway, or a convenience store hot deli). This came into play about a week in when I made the turn to go there, just on auto-pilot even though I had a great lunch with me (MF Chicken Noodle). I realized it quick and went to the park I normally eat at and ate my soup and enjoyed it knowing I had conquered my first "temptation". This was a temptation, or craving, of habit.

You will do fine, just be conscious of what you need to do for your health, and you will be fine! Best of all, this forum is non-judgemental and will help you get back in line with the program!
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Postby mellowmom » June 26th, 2006, 11:20 am

Everyone has given you such excellent advice.

All I can add is that whenever I'm tempted I remind myself that whatever it is I'm currently obsessing over...(philly cheesesteak sandwich or the "Penne Rusicana" entree at Macaroni Grill for example(s))...a year from now, they will still be available for me to sample. Only I will be in control not the food.

Keep Shaking and post often. You are bound to succeed.

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Postby dede4wd » June 26th, 2006, 7:00 pm

they will still be available for me to sample. Only I will be in control not the food.

Carmel, I LOVE what you said, I wish I could've put it that well!
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