Hi, Penny ~
I hope that you have a great trip and be sure to take along your Medifast with you. It will be a challenge to stick to your three hour meal schedule when you're traveling but do your very best to not skip packets - it will prevent you from going out of control.

Uh, oh! They are right - No peanuts...no
carrots. A lot of the bagged salads do have carrots in them. Just a few orange sprinkles in a serving of salad ought not to throw your program completely out the window but they are not the best thing to eat during the weight loss phase. I picked them out when I was served carrots when I was on the weight loss phase.
Try not to get too hung up on the daily weight fluctuations. Many people have a weird weight loss result their third week on the program. We usually are not daily losers; some people are but most are not. Weekly weighing is probably a better way to go but I can certainly understand daily weighing. Honestly, I leaped on the scale every single time I went potty...we had two scales and let me tell ya, THAT truly made me nutz...
If you are taking synthroid or some other Rx for thyroid, it is best to not have any soy products
with your medication. If you take your med in the morning, we recommend that you wait 2 hours before having a soy-based meal packet. It is okie dokie to have a whey-based packet such as the Cappuccino, Chai Latte, Hot Cocoa, Peach or Raspberry Iced Tea (these may be made as hot tea and not just eaten 'iced.'), the Cranberry Mango (also wonderful heated) or the Tropical Fruit Punch or one of the Creamy Soups. Some people take their thyroid med at bedtime or take it if they get up super early to go to the sandbox and then go back to bed for a while.
Have a gladsome time with your family!