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Postby Aspasia » January 2nd, 2006, 11:53 pm

Hello everyone. I have been wanting to try Medifast for a long time. I was about to place my order when I found out that I was pregnant with my second child. So here I am 9 months later ready to lose at least 80 lbs. I placed my order on the 27th and have been impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I look forward to chatting with everyone. I've read just about every post on this forum so I feel like I know you guys already. Just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone a healthier, happier, and thinner New Year !
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Postby Jan » January 3rd, 2006, 12:22 am

Hi there,
Welcome to the group. We are glad to have you. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
I'll be watching for you.
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Postby forevertodds » January 3rd, 2006, 6:09 am

Hi Aspasia,

I'm new here also, but so far I'm impressed and excited!!! Congrats on your new baby, what a great Christmas gift. We'll get thinner together!

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Postby Guest » January 3rd, 2006, 7:49 am

Hello Aspasia, :wave:

Welcome and Congrats on your New Baby. :heart: This is a wonderful site and you will get a lot of help and encouragement. Good luck and I will look forward to your posts.

;) ,
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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 10:34 am

Aspasia ~

We are glad to have you join us. You must have had a busy household over the holidays with a new baby. Our daughter has a 6 and a half month old and she is beginning the weight loss program this week.

FYI, if there are brand new moms reading this, Nursing Moms who supply most of their baby's nourishment may not go on the weight loss program but may use Medifast for good nutrition and meal supplementation. When the baby is receiving food in addition to breast milk or getting milk from other sources (soy, rice, bovine, etc.) then the mother can go on the weight loss program. Of course, always check with your doctor for approval.
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Postby Lauren » January 3rd, 2006, 11:18 am

Good afternoon, Aspasia, welcome aboard! Congrats on the new baby, how wonderful!

This diet is truly awesome, and most of the folks here will agree that if you totally stick to it, it is actually easy as well. I have been on it for nearly 8 weeks, and have lost at least 36 pounds (I think a few more will be coming off for my Thursday official weigh-in).

One thing I definitely want you to note - your taste buds on the first 3 days are NOT an accurate reflection of what the MF foods/drinks will taste like as you move forward. There were many MF items (especially the soups) that I really didn't like and I was worried about it, but as time goes on, your tastes change and your palette changes, and I promise that everything takes on a new flavor. So don't despair!

It's a great diet, a fantastic support group, and easy! What's better?

Good luck, and let us know if you need some help!

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Christmas once again

Postby Aspasia » January 3rd, 2006, 11:31 am

Thank you sooooo much for all the well wishes and introductions. I finally received my first shipment this morning. It felt like Christmas all over again. I almost ran out in my underwear to kiss the FedEx guy. I'm sooooooo glad he was already gone by the time I dragged my big butt down the stairs. I hate to think of what my poor neighbors would have thought haha. As much as I wanted to start today I think I will wait til after my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm not breastfeeding so I think it's pretty safe for me to get started but I will check with doc tomorrow to be sure. I look forward to becoming a loser this year !!!! Best wishes
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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 12:03 pm

Dear dear Aspasia ~

Hah! I laughed about your comments about greeting the Fed Ex driver in your underdoodies because I actually hugged our driver when I got my second order of Medifast - he couldn't have delivered it to a happier person!

Be sure to read your Quick Start booklet several times and have some extra toidy paper handy as you'll be doing the hallway dash with all the water slurpage you need to do!

P.S. Just wanted to clarify my note up there ^ about nursing Moms.

There is nothing in Medifast that is harmful in any way to babies.

Nursing mothers require more calories than what they would get with our weight loss program so that's why Medifast recommends that pregnant or breast feeding mothers use Medifast only for its nutritional benefit, for snacks or use it in addition to regular food meals which includes protein, salad, vegetables and fruit.

As with anything, if you are pregnant or nursing, check with your health care professional before using it.
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