by MLA9500 » June 12th, 2007, 6:00 pm
Hi Patty! Welcome!! My name is Lisa and I'm only on the program about 1 month and i think its awsome!! Soooo how did day 1 go? As everyone said, just visit the forum, post your questions and these wonderful people will help... its amazing how much support and guidance you get here.. Before i found the forum (thank you DeDe!!) I was researching everything i could on medifast and one person's quote i found in particular seems to always stick in my mind whenever i get "drooling" over something we shouldn't have.. and that quote is " nothing tastes as good as it feels to be thin "... OOh i just remembered where i read the quote! It was on the main mf website... well anyway, that quote helped me alot in the beginning (and it still does), so just thought i would share it with you... Looking forward to your journey!! good luck and welcome again! Lisa
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