Hello I'm Sarah 25 years old from Indiana

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Postby mytime » July 7th, 2005, 8:16 pm

Sarah - that is so awesome that you bought all of the different stuff to try. You are really going to do well I can tell. And you will be SHOCKED at the results. Mytime

Leah - do you soak it before you cook it ? Mine seems to run out of water. I am sitting here eating some and had been telling my husband I new this could taste good - it was like half there. The chilli powder really did the trick - a million thanks, Mytime
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Postby MomsTherapy » July 8th, 2005, 5:33 am

Yeah, I use hot water to make it in the morning and spice it. Then I nuke it for 1 minute ( I have a powerful microwave too), then I put it in the fridge until lunch. At lunch I pull it out and nuke it another 1min 30secs or so and walaaa.....yummy.
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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