Hello, quick question......

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Hello, quick question......

Postby Wants2Live » January 7th, 2005, 5:39 am

Hi and thanks for stopping in to read this or give advice. I wanted to know if you are full fasting and choose to have a lean and green meal once in awhile, is that okay? I have been doing this for a week tomorrow, and having a lean and green every night. But i'd really like to start full fasting and I want to know the answer before I decide. I feel strong today and know that I can resist anything. :D any advice I would appreciate...Thank you!

Brandi :D
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Postby Sylvia » January 7th, 2005, 7:11 am

Hi Brandi,

The easy answer is "yes", you can do the full fast most of the time and the modified plan on occassion.

I was on the program for a total of about 6 months. The first threee months I did the full fast almost all of the time. The only variance was that while on the full fast I had a small lettuce-only salad with ff dressing every night. Nancy said this was OK and I think it helped me avoid some of the digestion-related issues others had. On a couple of occassions during that three months, I did the modified plan.

At about the three month mark I began doing the modified plan consistently once or twice a week - usually on the weekends. At the four month mark, I really boosted my exercise and moved to the modified plan full time for the rest of my time on the program.

A couple of observations. First, unless there are medical conditions that prevent someone from doing the full fast, I think it's the way to go in the beginning. There are no choices and food is almost completely removed from the equation. You really need more discipline in the modified plan - it's very easy to eat 6 ounces instead of 4 of protein or to take multiple helpings of veggies. It is also easy for small transgressions to become bigger ones until you find yourself totally off the program and out of ketosis.

With that said, it was really important to me from the beginning to make this the last time I ever had to go on a weight loss program. That meant I needed to learn how to live with food for the long run. I didn't want to finish losing weight, transition and not have had any experience dealing with food. So I started slowly while doing the modified plan and thought every day about how my eating would be different when the program was complete.

Hope this helps you and good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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Postby Wants2Live » January 7th, 2005, 11:13 am

Thank you soooo very much Sylvia......Thats what I'm going to do, Great advice there. I haven't really thought ahead but now I am. I am starting the full fast today and yippee.......I can't wait until I can feel a difference. How much weight should I lose (approx.) a week doing the full fast? I am so excited....I guess i'll start working out in a month or two. Hubby works out alot, and has alot of knowledge about fitness, so that should help me out. When do you think i'll notice a difference......sorry if i'm going crazy, just want it so bad this time. Anyway thanks again for your advice!

Brandi :D
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Postby explorthis » January 7th, 2005, 12:28 pm

can't wait until I can feel a difference.
When do you think i'll notice a difference......sorry if i'm going crazy, just want it so bad this time

Hey Brandi… Glad you’re here for support. Additionally glad you have a supportive hubby.

I want to chime in, and prepare you for what is to come. I can see your excitement, just like I remember mine, well over 100 pounds. Reading the board, realizing you’re going to do the full fast and/or 5-1 modified, you are full of excitement, and WILL LOSE! You have no choice. At 309, you have a bit to lose, however this is achievable. It’s NOT going to happen overnight, however it will happen, and faster than any weight program you have ever been on. Changes will be subtle, but consistent. The excitement (from reading your exuberance) makes you want to wake up tomorrow and be thin. You will probably lose somewhere between 3 and 10 pounds the first week, then, if your FAITHFUL, average 3-5 a week there on. I want you to be excited about this, I want you to feel the euphoria I do, and you will, just be prepared, it is a process. Remember additionally, we did not become overweight overnight, it took years. Good thing is it’s not going to take years to get it off.

My advice to you:

Water – by the ton. Get in 100oz a day. Anything with all zeros (cept sodium) is a substitute. No excuses. Drink the water, it will speed the loss.

RELIGIOUS honesty to the program. Ask anyone, it is not worth the cheat, both mentally, and physically. Cheating is just like the Ruffles potato chips, “you can’t just do it once” Once a cheat happens, inevitably it will occur again. Your brand(i) new to the program, give it your all, and it will work I promise!!!

-Good luck, and welcome!

Last edited by explorthis on January 7th, 2005, 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sylvia » January 7th, 2005, 1:33 pm

As usual I agree completely with Mike. Water is key - I was drinking about 140 ounces regularly and still drink at least 100. It makes a big difference (and your skin will look wonderful!)

You will lose weight quickly at first and then it will "slow down". It will still be consistently more than you could safely lose any other way.

It is hard to know when you will notice a difference - depends on your body structure, etc. I would suggest a couple of things. First, take your measurements NOW. Measure yourself monthly. You will be amazed when the inches start to melt off. Second, take some before photos. Take more as you progress - preferably in the same pose and same clothes (until they are falling off). For me - and I had about 70 lbs to lose, no one really noticed AT ALL until 20 pounds were off and more did at about 30-35. People really started noticing as I got smaller and closer to goal - it makes more of an impact the smaller you get. For example, I started at 225. When I lost my first 10 lbs, my clothes maybe got a bit looser, but I didn't really drop any sizes. From 165-155 I dropped at least a full size.

I would bet that if you are ture to the program, you will be noticeably thinner, much healthier and much happier in 6 weeks to 2 months.

Enjoy and use that starting euphoria to your full advantage!
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Postby Karen » January 7th, 2005, 4:24 pm

Sylvia is so right! I am just at the 2 month mark, I've lost 33 pounds. I can see a difference in my clothes but I haven't had to throw anything away yet. Those who know I am on a diet, say they can tell I'm losing. Those who don't know, ie Sunday School class members, have said nothing! I feel light as air, but when I look in the mirror, I am a bit disappointed. I feel like I should LOOK 100 pounds thinner... I still look every bit of 262... which is STILL weigh over weight!! But, I am not disheartened, the weight is coming off surely and steadily. I look forward to people noticing.... I look forward to HAVING to get a smaller size clothes! It's happening, and this is a good thing!
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » January 7th, 2005, 10:30 pm

You can do it!!
I am on the 5-1 plan and it works wells for me, but I think as some say
the full fast leaves you with no option to not measure or weigh your meal incorrectly or lie to yourself about how big that piece of lean meat really is!
I think whatever plan you choose you simply need to STICK TO IT!!
Some wonderful person on this forum posted this quote which I wrote down immediately and have posted on my fridge, in my office and in my car for a constant reminder!
It is a great quote and I use it daily like a mantra!
Thanks to whomever posted it,I truly appreciate it and treasure it.
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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2005, 11:04 pm


It was skinny Camille, HawaiiWhatNot that posted that. Now do it!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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