by Karen » January 7th, 2005, 4:24 pm
Sylvia is so right! I am just at the 2 month mark, I've lost 33 pounds. I can see a difference in my clothes but I haven't had to throw anything away yet. Those who know I am on a diet, say they can tell I'm losing. Those who don't know, ie Sunday School class members, have said nothing! I feel light as air, but when I look in the mirror, I am a bit disappointed. I feel like I should LOOK 100 pounds thinner... I still look every bit of 262... which is STILL weigh over weight!! But, I am not disheartened, the weight is coming off surely and steadily. I look forward to people noticing.... I look forward to HAVING to get a smaller size clothes! It's happening, and this is a good thing!
5'3 50 y/o Married
Started MF 11-08-04
Renewal experience 7-16-05