Hello...I'd like to introduce myself.

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Hello...I'd like to introduce myself.

Postby Diet_Diva » January 9th, 2005, 10:21 pm

Hello folks and good evening.

I'd like to introduce myself to the group. I started Medifasting on the 22nd of December-- Yep, I told family and friends that I would be skipping the traditional X-mas meal and that my new diet was a present to myself...so I enjoyed a pile-o-greens and a puny chicken breast and loved every minute of it as I felt so in control of my food choices. I must admit, it was a challenge to pass up prime rib, Yorkshire pudding and red wine, but I did it!

The beautiful thing is that now I'm realizing the benefits of that fabulous decision as this upcoming Wednesday will mark my 3rd full week on Mfast. I love the program so far and have lost 16 lbs. over the past 18 days. Medifast has definitely given me the boost to deal with my weight and food challenges.

I' started out at a whopping 300+ lbs...about 3 years ago. This was my wake up call as I have a tiny (5'0") frame and this weight was BEYOND out of control. I remember thinking, "OK, what's next? Wait for the scale to tip another hundred?" So I started by using the support of an online diet program and got underway with a major lifestyle overhaul. I did the smart things: ate healthier, drank more H2O, and exercised more. I have since used several other programs along the way. My husband likes to use the sports analogy that I have done what any good athlete does, and have "changed coaches along the way to improve my performance.." He's soooo sweet. Anyway, I then made it down to the 215 range and then bounced around between that weight and back to 238 or so. I was getting discouraged at the fact I was working so hard and hit a major plateau--with a 20 lb. regain. I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel, I was just needing the tunnel to be shorter!!!!

So that's where Medifast came in. I decided I needed a boost to really get me to my ultimate goal of 105. Now folks don't panic. Remember, I'm only a hair over 5 feet tall! And believe it or not, that was my original healthy adult weight eons ago, when I was a runner, sport mountain biker, and rock climber...Yes, you read correctly. I used to run for fun and sport. (I was incredibly healthy and wore size 0/2 and sometimes bought kid T-shirts 'cause they were cheaper.) It seems crazy that a former runner, ended up topping the scale at over 300, but it happens. My weight problems started after some running injuries which left me sidelined. Seems that without exercise I couldn't keep eating like a linebacker 'er marathoner....It went downhill from there. But such is life. We get back up again, right?

At the time I was forced to stop running, I was in the process of training for a triathlon--my first ever. So, my goal is to once again train for that triathlon; which I vow to do with the help of Medifast. So Medifast is truly going to be the first step to get me back in the game. I am so excited. My husband has guaranteed to buy me a really hot red Italian racing bike to ride for my first triathlon after I reach my goal!

So that's it in a nutshell. Thanks for reading my post. I have enjoyed reading all the posts in the forum since the end of December. You all have been an inspiration and I'm excited to participate instead of being an anonymous "lurker." Now that I've shared my intro with you I will be sure that my future posts aren't nearly as long. I just wanted you to have enough background to realize that I want to share right along with all of you.

PS. I'm a school teacher and I love the beach, hence my location!
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Postby RavenKat2 » January 10th, 2005, 10:31 am

WoW! You were in amazing shape before - I'm sure it's in you to do it again. A size 0/2????? Each of my legs is a 0/2! ;) Of course, I'm almost a foot taller than you.


As was mentioned before - anyone that purposely diets during the holidays is one tough cookie!


*new id for inspiration*
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Postby Diet Diva » January 10th, 2005, 5:38 pm

Thanks for the encouraging words. Yeah, I know I have a ways to go, but it's sure going to be much more bearable reading all the wonderful messages and words of wisdom from the "Medi-Team." I really appreciate the tough cookie comment.

Have a fabulous day.

Diet Diva

300+(prior)/ Medi-Start =238/221/105

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Postby Triskets » January 10th, 2005, 6:39 pm

Diet Diva -

Welcome to MF! I am so PROUD of you for being able to stay on the MF plan over the holidays! WOW! WOW! WOW!

0/2? yicks! You'll get there again - one shake at a time.

Good Luck!
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Postby raederle » January 11th, 2005, 7:42 am

Hi Diva,

Your story is really encouraging-- because you know you've been healthy in the past, know what threw you off track, know what to do about it now, and have support from a great husband! Sounds like you're already way ahead!

Welcome, and nice to meet you. Congrats for starting on a different path and taking charge of yourself and your life-- I know you can do it!


High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Diet Diva » January 15th, 2005, 9:18 am

Dear RavenKat, Triskets, and Raederle,

Nice meeting you, electronically that is! Thanks for the positive comments. This is such a supportive group and it's going to be wonderful sharing the adventures of my Medifast journey with all of you.

Keep up the good work... I'll look forward to reading and re-reading your posts.

Diet Diva :D :D :D
PS. In case anyone is wondering, the Diet_Diva post was really me, I just goofed on the original log-in. I've got this system down now that I've gained a week's worth of experience chatting with you all!
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