Hello everyone.
I've been trolling the posts for quite awhile today as I'm planning on ordering my first lot of Medifast tomorrow and wanted to see how people have done on the plan. Well what can I say? Outstanding to you all!
May I suggest that you go back into the original 10#, 20#, 30#... post and read some of your comments? It nearly made me cry. So many of you were so proud for hitting your first 10# goal - yet your profile read that you were in the 50# mark (it updates all the posts). How amazing, huh? To look back and see how far you've come... I don't know any of you but I'm so very proud!
I will be starting the Complete program as soon as I receive the shakes - probably sometime next week. I've tried just about everything under the sun to get this weight off and I'm praying this is the answer. I am currenly 5'3" and I weigh 252lbs. As you can see, I am dangerously overweight although, thankfully, I have not (yet) suffered any health detriments other than painful joints and feet due to the weight I drag around everyday.
This plan sounds like a dream to me because I hate to cook. The cooking bug must have ended with my grandmother's DNA because my mother and I are exactly the same (except she's a size 4!). I'm a grab and go kind of girl and this has certainly done me no favors. I have also added at least 3 days of Curves (the gym) into my daily routine, which has also clamped down on the time I have in the day. I expect this just may be the answer - especially since you can use the supplements to maintain the loss after you get there!
Anyway, it's nice to 'meet' you all and I look forward to reading more posts!
All the very best.