Hello everyone

Got clothes that are too big and ya wanna get rid of? If you're following a weight loss plan, you do.

Donate, trade, barter or sell outgrown clothing here.

Hello everyone

Postby pandasmom » May 16th, 2006, 7:14 pm

Hello everyone i wanted to post today for a few reasons..

One today is week 5 for me. Many of you might no i do not and have not weighed myself since day one. Thanks to my hubby taking out and hiding the scale. But thats ok really i feel GREAT and am losing. He wants me to get where i want not keep thinking of pounds. He also didnt want me to get depressed if the scale didnt change.

BUT I have been measuring myself and i have lost a total of 11 inches all over so far so that is super to me.
I am wearing clothes i have not worn for a long time. I had a fashon show with my hubby and girls the other night to have them tell me what was to big and want looked good and bad. It was fun..

I am going to Vegas june 4th we live close but its the first time since youngest turned 21, I a going to order ready to go shakes for when we are out and about and the drive. I am so happy and feeling so much better SO GLAD I started this....

I have also been emailing some nice people and made some good friends.

I do have come chili and minestrone soup and Vanilla shakes if any one is interested i would trade or just about give them away.. Or any one can offer me any thing. I wil also go post those on the swap page. These certainly are not people's favorites i can see that..

Well i just wanted to say hi.. Keep it up everyone and have a great week.
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Postby Freedom » May 17th, 2006, 7:40 am

I sent you a PM...I'd love the chili!
Posts: 5
Joined: May 13th, 2006, 8:05 am
Location: Merry-land!

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