Hello Everyone.......Just started Medifast

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Hello Everyone.......Just started Medifast

Postby brinkris » December 1st, 2004, 3:09 pm

Hello fellow losers! My name is Brian and I am really happy that I ran across this board of Medifast users. My wife and I began the Medifast 5 and 1 program 3 days ago and we are feeling great.
It is awesome to know that there are other people out there that we can consult with through this journey. We are both looking forward to a healthier life, fitting back into our "skinny" clothes, and basically "living" again.
I am going to lose 110 lbs.......my wife is going to lose 60. (Note how we are exuding much confidence.)
Anyways........thanks again for this board. We are looking forward to chatting and sharing with all of you.
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Postby Unca_Tim » December 1st, 2004, 3:39 pm

Welcome Guys!!

I am going to lose 110 lbs.......my wife is going to lose 60.

I LIKE the confidence.
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Postby brinkris » December 1st, 2004, 3:49 pm

thanks for the welcome Unca.
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Postby explorthis » December 1st, 2004, 4:47 pm

BRIAN!!! Welcome..... Glad you and your wife decided to join us.. We are here to help.

I got you beet by 3 pounds. I lost 113 on Medifast, and I would love for you to feel just as good as I do, which you will, and will be glad to share any info I can to help you succeed......

Again, WELCOME!!

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Postby shineface » December 1st, 2004, 6:33 pm

Welcome Brian & Mrs. Brian (name?)----

Stick close this forum is one of the key factors to many success stories - the people the caring the information the support the reality checks and on and on and on - added benefit --- we laugh alot too!

Keep postin & Shaki8n and Drink drink drink all that h2O!!!!

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Postby Karen » December 1st, 2004, 8:04 pm

Welcome aboard Brian and Maam (? name?).... this forum is the greatest! Sooooooo much encouragement here ya don't even miss the stuff you can't have right now. It really does feel like we are all in this together, even though we are all at different stages. Keep reading, keep posting and keep shakin'
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Postby Nancy » December 1st, 2004, 10:10 pm

Hello and Howdy Doody, B & K ~

Oh, yeah! :yay: I :heart: your 'tude!

I KNOW you will lose that 170 pounds. It is totally possible because my Terry lost 60 and I lost 135 - the foundation of our home literally came up outta the ground three feet and I am still floatin' around on cloud 9 because of it!

:shock: I see you live in sunny California. :headphones2:

:shades: What an incentive to get ready for shorts and bathing suits, eh?

:x I want some sunshine, too! My awesome Kauai tan is gone - guess I'm now an albino Leopard Woman...

We are looking forward to your first weigh-in on December 5th, Brian - drink your water and it will be a big one!

Kris, you'll have to put on your :runner: running shoes because all your friends will want to know what you're doing to lose weight while they pile it on during the holidays. :cheers:
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Postby gr8views » December 5th, 2004, 9:39 am

You will love Medifast. It is particularly energizing, as is this forum. Come back and visit/post often!

(I've been here off and on, but will continue to work on checking in more frequently. Life is hard...)

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