Welcome Momma! Congrats on taking that first step. Time will fly by, and as long as you follow the plan, the weight will fall off faster than you can imagine. It seems like just yesterday that I started, but it’s been 45 days and 32.5 lbs and I am having the time of my life!!

Literally…I have so much energy I can hardly contain it. My clothes fit better, I’m ALWAYS in such a good mood, and I’ve met some WONDERFUL people here that totally “get” my journey. (I LOVE the folks here).
Now that’s all the good stuff that awaits you once you get through this week…My first week I totally depended on my health advisor (make sure you get one of these if you don’t already have one. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE mine) and my MF buddies to get through it. They got me through it and then some.
You’ll do great, just keep your eyes on the prize!