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Postby mamabear » May 4th, 2006, 9:37 pm

:wave: Welcome Brian! Good Luck!! :yay:
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Postby Longhorn » May 5th, 2006, 5:37 am

Elke wrote:OK I am gonna ask just because I am a big fan of football. Who did you play for in the NFL?
GO CARDS!!!!! :)

I was at San Diego for 2 years and New England for 1 back in the mid 90's. Unfortunatly, I was injured for 2 of the 3 years. I blew my ankle out during a pre-season game my second year and was never able to recover from it. Ended up breaking about 5 bones in my foot and tore part of my achillies in a bad twist. 3 pins and 6 months of rehab to walk without a limp again. I was able to get back into it but would twist it all the time. I was released my 3rd year because of it. Was fun while it lasted but my body will thank me later. I have many friends that are still in and have played for 9 years +. They have to take meds just to get out of bed in the morning, I do not know how they do it. Everything happens for a reason and I love my job now. I would not have landed here without the injury.

As for the diet, I have been on it for a day and so far its not too bad. All I have is the oatmeal, chicken noodle soup and the shakes. I do wish they made a rtd shake in the 70's and hopfully they will. I am craving the breads so my morning ritual of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a bagel is killing me. I do hope this goes away soon.

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Postby Arklahoma » May 5th, 2006, 5:42 am

Brian ~ I can't wait to share your information with my husband. I've been trying to get him to do MF but he thinks it's a girlie diet. I'm so gonna blast him!!!
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Welcome from a newbie

Postby xwoman » May 5th, 2006, 7:06 am


Let me ask you, all those years playing, when the coach would say laps or drills, did you ever say no? You were not allowed to say no, so you did what you HAD to do. This is the same, when you want to cheat, you just tell your self no. Use whatever was inside back then to bring about the fighter within.

Think short term, 1 week, you can do one week, RIGHT??????And hey, need a motivator, pm me. I had a coach back in the day, who has a voice in my head still. Darn them all they were always right ;)

Also, remember, after 72 hours the craving will go so far away, think of sweet as a drug, look at what they do tou your body, chemically...drug

Just Shake and Shed , Shake and Shed...

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Postby Ct. Yankee » May 5th, 2006, 8:14 am

Hi Brian!

I have been a Dunkin Donut coffee drinker for many years. I see no reason to give it up, as we are allowed up to three cups of coffee per day,and a small amount of half and half. At the franchise I use, I made sure that they used pure half and half and not any creamer blend in my coffee. The woman went so far as to go in back to the refrigerator and check the container for ingredients, and happily, she said that it was 100% dairy. I simply keep a supply of Splenda in my car, ask for less half and half in my coffee, and I am good to go! :D But, should you have a difficult time walking in and walking out with just a coffee, then I probably wouldn't go there, . :( Also, the Dunkin drive-ins are an option, as there are no visual of bagels or donuts to tempt you. Much luck in your weight loss pursuit! :D

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Postby lifelovinaries » May 6th, 2006, 8:26 am

Welcome Brian, everyone has just about covered everything so I will say hang in there. It does get better. I will not say that the cravings don't come back from time to time but the thought of all the support you get here helps you get thru them. Post as often as you can and read, read, read. It helps to see that you are not the only one experiencing issues or tempted to cheat (or actually cheating! :x ). Fortunately here at the forum, we allow "I gotta start agains..." Many of us have had to use that phrase. BUT all the support makes it easier to handle go GOOD LUCK! :cheerleader: We are all your personal cheerleaders! I think WILDTRK and KTROUT look the cutest in the short skirts. Ok, ok guys, we will give you pants but only because BRIAN requested it!! :tongue:

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