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Hello Again!!

Postby HOPE » January 12th, 2006, 7:30 am

Hi Everyone!
Well, I have been on before but under a different name a few months ago. Age has made me forget my user name (ha ha) and I decided to just take another name. I started Medifast on September 28th and am now down 58 lbs!!!!!!!!! I love this diet!!!!! Decided that maybe the forum was a place to come and hang out and read peoples thoughts and Ideas!!!! :lol: :)
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Postby aphrael » January 12th, 2006, 7:34 am


That is great! You definatly need to hang out here and keep the rest of us inspired with your amazing results.

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Postby Lauren » January 12th, 2006, 8:05 am

Hope - a new name AND a new body!

You're doing amazing, and can be a great inspiration to all of us here, so don't go disappearing!

Way to go!

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