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Hello again

Postby Signladytf » August 14th, 2005, 2:40 pm

Hello everyone,

After a hiatus, I am back. Thankfully, I did not regain all of the weight I had lost (probably because most days I actually had shakes and bars--just didn't follow the GREEN portion of the Lean and Green). I stepped out of the picture when I thought that I could be preggers, but that blessing hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to keep plugging at Medifast until I get confirmation of being preggers! :D

I've been following the boards during my hiatus. There have been some wonderful things happening!!

I have to get on a plane TWICE in October. Once to Connecticut and once to Minnesota. Mind you, I have NEVER flown anywhere in my life, and I've been hearing horror stories about how small the seats are on planes!

So, I am going to do the absolute best I can and get as much weight off as possible in 2 months' time for those events, and then continue until I make goal. (Fervent prayer can't hurt either!)

Thanks a lot and see you around!
Restarted 8/27/2007

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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2005, 3:04 pm

Hidy Ho, Sign ~

Welcome back! Let the adventure begin. The likelihood of pregnancy increases when we are healthy and as fat is lost, more estrogen is released into the body... ;)

hey! How's the Sign Man? :huh: Did he take a hiatus, too?

Yeah, those airplane seats are teensy...

Now is the time to haul out your Quick Start Booklet and read it from cover to cover. Don't just rely on your memory - really read the booklet. Follow the plan as outlined and in three days time, you'll be through detoxification and on your weigh to a tinier hiney and a roomier airline ride.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Signladytf » August 14th, 2005, 3:19 pm

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for the welcome back. Yes, Yworry did take a hiatus with me. Unfortunately, we are the type of couple that leads each other down the path of destruction when it comes to eating. (Which I totally don't understand, as we are a GREAT couple otherwise!)

I'm already ahead of you, I've read my manuals through several times, ordered more product to make sure I don't run out, and I'm sipping my Chocolate/Peanut Butter shake (made with Davinci PB syrup) that I made in my Bullet Blender (one of God's greatest ideas). I'm getting ready to take my hubby some chicken with steamed broccoli for dinner (at work, to reduce the temptation of eating junk). I'm anxious more for hubby to lose weight as it will affect his job status. He is trained to be a police officer, so I want to encourage him to get into that field. (I had a baby, so we made the decision for him to be the stay-at-home parent for a while.) He would feel better about himself, about life in general. He is such a fantastic person with so many things to offer that it hurts me that his weight stands in his way.

As for me, I'm changing whatever it takes. I got a new hairdo and I'm dressing up for work to make me feel better about myself now, so that I'm not thinking about the proverbial--"I'll do it when....." I don't want my weight to be what makes or breaks me as a person. I'm still me, regardless of my weight. I just want to be far less of me, able to do more things than I've ever been able to do.

Ah! Enough of that! Thanks for the welcome and the support! I'll be checking in!
Restarted 8/27/2007

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Postby martha » August 14th, 2005, 3:25 pm


I know what you mean about the planes :shock: I have been on them only 2 times myself..If I were a drinking person I would have been plastered :D 1 time to Seattle and 1 time back and everyone likes to tell you horror stories and scare you to death.. :D It actually wasn't to bad.. Anyway--WELCOME back and I look forward to your post...Martha
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Postby want2Bthin » August 14th, 2005, 3:40 pm


WELCOME BACK!!! :-P :mrgreen: :D

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