itsgonnaworkthistime wrote:Hi Smartiegirl,
I too am from Minnesota... What part do you live in. I am in a western suburb outside Minneapolis. I have been on MF for a month now, so I guess I'm still a newbie.
Just wanted to welcome you back.
I'm in Saint Paul. I was living in Eden Prairie, previously, kinda in your neck of the woods. Cool that there is someone local.
I started in August of last year and lost 30lbs by the beginning of November. I had planned on going off MF for our trip to Europe and did and my original plan was to maintain until the Jan 05. I did decide to go on MF here and there for a week or so, more for maintenance than for loss.
So now its the new year and I'm feeling alot better about weighloss in general since I was able to maintain. My biggest worry wasn't that I couldn't lose the weight, it was being able to maintain the new weight. I've learned a lot of things. One is I'm probably going to have to measure everything from now on. I've been measuring and weighing just about everything. I memorized that one gram is about equal to 0.035 ounces. I also learned that I like a small double soy latte just as much as a large one and thats over a 200 calorie difference. These little lifestyle changes make a big difference.
I'm also going to have to re-visit alcoholic drinks. I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate that one back in. As some of the oldbie (ha!) know, I'm a big fan of beer and that was a major purpose in travelling to Belgium.
Right now I am considering losing another 30 and possibly taking another break to test maintenance again (and to give my wallet a break in buying new clothes) since my daily calorie requirments will be a little lower then.
In reality, the calorie requirement difference is only 545/day. A sedentary person of my height needs 1825 calories to maintain 125lbs and 2370 to maintain 195. 545 isn't all that much really when you think about it.