hello again friends. :D

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

hello again friends. :D

Postby smartiegrrl » February 6th, 2005, 7:46 pm

Hello again. I took a break from the internet for a little bit, there was some weirdness with some aquaintences I wanted to avoid. I also took a break from MF, but I was really good about maintaining and I managed to get to 193 for a few days but now I'm back at 195. Part of the reason I left the 5 + 1 plan was because it was freezingly cold here in MN and drinking a cold shake would leave me cold for a *long* time. I was still doing the MF hot cocoa and soups, but eating other meals too. Our new place has concrete floors and humongus windows which aren't drafty per se, but when it was -10F, -20F, you could feel it. Even the dog reluctantly got out of bed to go out. Loft living, I guess. ;)

But the coldest cold has passed and I can come out of hibernation. My SIL also asked me to sing at her wedding in May which gives me some incentive to drop these remaining 70-75lbs I have to go a little more quickly than I was intending to, but its nice to have a definite goal sometimes. :mrgreen:

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Postby scrabbler7 » February 7th, 2005, 11:28 am

HI there Smartiegirl (love the name!) --

I've been on site for about 3 weeks now. There are a lot of newbies in the forum so I'm sure we will all get around to introducing ourselves. (It probably gets very busy in here in January with all the new year resolutions us overweight people make). Thank goodness we found this place and Medifast.

Just wanted to say hello - glad to see you are returned. And you are sure to look stunning in a slinky dress singing at that wedding - only be careful not to outshine the bride - would ya?
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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 7th, 2005, 11:33 am

Hi Smartiegirl,

I too am from Minnesota... What part do you live in. I am in a western suburb outside Minneapolis. I have been on MF for a month now, so I guess I'm still a newbie.

Just wanted to welcome you back.

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 7th, 2005, 2:12 pm

itsgonnaworkthistime wrote:Hi Smartiegirl,

I too am from Minnesota... What part do you live in. I am in a western suburb outside Minneapolis. I have been on MF for a month now, so I guess I'm still a newbie.

Just wanted to welcome you back.


I'm in Saint Paul. I was living in Eden Prairie, previously, kinda in your neck of the woods. Cool that there is someone local. :D

I started in August of last year and lost 30lbs by the beginning of November. I had planned on going off MF for our trip to Europe and did and my original plan was to maintain until the Jan 05. I did decide to go on MF here and there for a week or so, more for maintenance than for loss.

So now its the new year and I'm feeling alot better about weighloss in general since I was able to maintain. My biggest worry wasn't that I couldn't lose the weight, it was being able to maintain the new weight. I've learned a lot of things. One is I'm probably going to have to measure everything from now on. I've been measuring and weighing just about everything. I memorized that one gram is about equal to 0.035 ounces. I also learned that I like a small double soy latte just as much as a large one and thats over a 200 calorie difference. These little lifestyle changes make a big difference.

I'm also going to have to re-visit alcoholic drinks. I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate that one back in. As some of the oldbie (ha!) know, I'm a big fan of beer and that was a major purpose in travelling to Belgium.

Right now I am considering losing another 30 and possibly taking another break to test maintenance again (and to give my wallet a break in buying new clothes) since my daily calorie requirments will be a little lower then.

In reality, the calorie requirement difference is only 545/day. A sedentary person of my height needs 1825 calories to maintain 125lbs and 2370 to maintain 195. 545 isn't all that much really when you think about it.

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 7th, 2005, 3:15 pm

Wow, you aren't far away at all. Its nice knowing there are people in my neck of the woods....

My husband and I have a cruise in March, and plan on going off plan while cruising....(7 days), and will probably actually be off about 10 days total. I think planning it out ahead of time is the key.

I do know there is no way that I will not come back to MF. It has worked very well. This cruise has been planned since last summer, and you know the food on those things. I think though at this point, seeing as I have been extremely comliant that I won't be going overboard, because I do not want to undo all that I have accomplished. I'm hoping for 30 pounds off by March 6th when we leave.

Well I hope to see more of your posts.

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 7th, 2005, 4:57 pm

itsgonnaworkthistime wrote:
I do know there is no way that I will not come back to MF. It has worked very well. This cruise has been planned since last summer, and you know the food on those things. I think though at this point, seeing as I have been extremely comliant that I won't be going overboard, because I do not want to undo all that I have accomplished. I'm hoping for 30 pounds off by March 6th when we leave.



It does work and you really notice it when you go back to food, you don't feel as great and I immediately gain water it seems. At least for me, I'm discovering a lot of my favorites seems to make me moody. :S

Well if you are already in the 20lb I don't see how you can't be in the 30lbs club by your cruise! You go girl! :D

Totally unrealted note:

You know how in those sci-fi films people are always eating that weird protein power and/or meals in a pill? Well sometimes I like to think of MF as a "future-now" product. I mean its so complete and I feel so even keeled and alert when I'm on the program. Why eat anything else? ;)

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