Ditto to what everyone else has said. And this here--
I feel like no matter how hard i try i always fail -my relationship, my diet, my life.
is the story of my life. It's so easy, and seems to be natural progression to go from thinking "I failed at this" and "I failed at that" to
"I am a failure," and this is where emotions seem to just take off, leading us into the pit of despair (I've been in this pit more times than I care to admit). You are not a failure--you're growing and figuring stuff out, part of growing is failing.
Something that has been helping me get rid of the tendency of labeling myself as a failure and always succumbing to black and white thinking is changing my view on failure and how I talk to myself. I have simplified failure in my mind by looking at it differently (and it only took me 31 years to learn how to do it--okay, not exactly true--rebounding from failure was simple in childhood--we just got back up. But somehow this all became convoluted by the time I reached adulthood). How many times did we fall down before we learned to walk or ride a bike? How long did it take us to learn to read, write, or tie our shoes--how many attempts did we make before we mastered these things? Countless! Put best by this statement Thomas Edison made: "I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work."
I have also learned (still learning) to separate myself from what I do (if this makes sense). Instead of saying "I'm stupid," "Something is wrong with me," or "I'm a bad person," for example, I started catching thoughts like these and replacing them with thoughts like "I'm not stupid, but I think I made a stupid mistake," "Maybe there is something wrong with the way I am thinking, but nothing is wrong with me," or "I'm not a bad person, I just behaved badly/poorly," etc. Catching and replacing negative thougts is hard to do, but it gets easier with practice and has profound changes in our lives.
Anyways, enough of my rambling--I'm all over the board here! I just get so much from each and everyone of you all's posts (I'm still catching up with the archives, too) that I hope I can give something to you all.
Hang tough Amanda
