Big hugs to you in dealing with
your separation anxiety!
I have four girls, one in 2nd grade, 1 in Kindergarten, and the twins just started K-4. This will get better, I promise!

We're all human, regardless of age, and we resist change because it's unfamiliar.
When your lil' guy gets out of school today, greet him with a huge smile & ask him about all the FUN he had! DEFINATELY celebrate the "big first day of school" tonite! Vent out your Mommy-ness by making something cool for dessert tonight - maybe some brightly colored SF Jell-O with stripes of SF Cool-Whip ribboned through it! Throw on a few colored sprinkles, and you have a wonderful, healthy dessert for the whole family, and
all the kiddos will feel oh-so-loved and adored! They may come to realize this whole school deal isn't such a bad gig after all
Hang tough, Mommy Bird... teaching them how to fly is also part of the job
Go smile at yourself in the mirror & repeat after me:
Then, go give yourself a hug for me, because I SOOOOO know how this feels - and I can tell you, it does get easier!!
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength. - Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)