Having a really bad day....

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Having a really bad day....

Postby Tiolazz » April 26th, 2006, 12:47 pm

I am having a really bad day and just need to vent. :x

I have a really bad migraine today, still at work, and my boss went shopping this morning, Mind you he knows about my dieting, and he brought back tons of stuff...

Peanut butter, cheese & cracker snacks, goldfish crackers, two jars of jellys, candy for the candy bowls that I have allowed to disappear, fig newtons, oreos, ritz crackers and all other kinds of junk.

I told him we needed coffee and that I would go buy it, but he insisted and came back with 5 sacks of stuff.

I haven't touched any of it, mainly because I am so nauseated from my headache that I haven't even really wanted to eat anything, (which makes it hard to do my m/f supplements), but I just get so upset when people do this to me.

My house is snack free, and I have done so well, and now my work is just covered up with stuff. The candy bowl sits on my desk.... UGGGGGGG

We have clients come in all the time, so I know he wants it out for them, and I can restrain myself, but man, I wish I didn't have to ... just wish he wouldn't make it so hard on me.

and before anyone says to just talk to him, I have, I did again. He just says that if I have so little self control to not eat the junk food that I will be a failure in my diet anyway.

Don't get me wrong, he is a wonderful boss, and I really like and respect him, I just don't think people really think about what others are going through when they act like that...

Ok, that's it, I am done, (mainly because my head hurts too much to type any longer, HAHA)

Thanks for just letting me vent....


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Postby ascicles » April 26th, 2006, 12:52 pm

I don't really know if you can get mad at your boss for doing something that benefits the business (making customers happy).

I think he has a point about the self control thing. You have to be strong enough to avoid the temptations.
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Postby Shana » April 26th, 2006, 12:54 pm

1.) I hope that migraine calls it quits VERY soon - they're no fun at all, especially trapped in the office!
2.) Is there any chance you can move the candy bowl to another desk?
I'm sorry you're having such a bad day, but as my Nanny always says, tomorrow can only be better! :)

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I know...

Postby dede4wd » April 26th, 2006, 1:28 pm

That sucks!

So sorry about the headache, hope it goes away soon.

There is candy/snacks ALL AROUND ME AT WORK too! It really doesn't bother me, I just think that stuff isn't for me...it's part of what got me into my problem in the first place. I NEVER want to put people out, and I feel bad when people try not to order stuff I like but can't have when we're out, so I just say, "it's not for me" or "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and continue...I don't like being treated or looked at differently, I don't want people to feel they should tiptoe around me...I'm currently sitting 6 feet away from GIRL SCOUT cookies and I could care less! NOTHING could derail me from how well I'm doing...I hope things get better for you.

If possible, move the stuff to another desk or a sideboard table or whatever, if not...just think about how far you've come and how NOT WORTH IT that stuff is!

Good luck!

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 26th, 2006, 2:22 pm

I'm sorry you're having such a terrible day Terri!!!! I hope your migrane goes away quickly. My poor hubby has to endure all the "goodies" everyone brings in every day too. Just think, each day that you abstain from those goodies, you will be one day closer to goal and one day STRONGER! You are a strong lady and you will show that boss of yours just how much self control you have! You go girl! :)
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Postby Taszi17 » April 26th, 2006, 2:26 pm

Tiolazz I am right there with you gal. And personally that was a crappy thing for him to say. People who have never had to deal with weight issues don't have a clue and sometimes have no compassion or just think out of their bums when they speak. I got a big bouquet as a thank you from one of my departments today and guess what it was ... not flowers but a candy bouquet. I immediately took every peice of candy off and handed it all out. I totally understand because if I had to have it on my desk that would give me a headache in itself. I haven't been feeling so hot lately either I am still having the dizziness and the valium they gave me isn't helping so I am going to have to go back. Hon I tell you if we can just stick in there and get through this week it is going to be a wonderful thing. I know today I am at the point of taking it almost minute to minute to get me through. And if I wasn't on here I don't know what i would be eating. Hugs and smisses you can do it doll
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Postby ascicles » April 26th, 2006, 2:29 pm

I guess I'm the complete opposite. I get annoyed when people do things like not eat fatty foods around me. I have plenty of restraint and don't need to be treated with kid gloves.
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Postby sheila » April 26th, 2006, 2:54 pm

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well :( . I hope your headache eases up soon. Dont give in to those temptations. Just think how happy you will be when you get on the scale next time and you have lost. I know you said you like your boss and all, but it sounds to me like he might be setting you up for failure :twisted: . Dont let him. If you give in and eat those snacks, you are just proving him right. Dont give him that satisfaction. Show him that you are not as weak as he'd like to think you are. Hang in there, and I hope your day gets better. :)
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Postby LovenElvis » April 26th, 2006, 4:41 pm

I know that I can speak from expereince and probably others on here, but before you even realize it, you'll be passing up the goodies and not even thinking about those on your desk.

You'll see them and just think about the amount of sugar that is in them and how much you used to eat of them!!!

Hang in there and I hope that you feel better soon!

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Postby Nancy » April 26th, 2006, 8:20 pm

Terri ~

Oh, man! That was a ROUGH day you had! There are days that seem tougher than others and you had a double whammy with the headache AND the 5 sacks of goodies staring you down.

What good advice everyone gave, too. Some said to suck it up and others felt like socking it to the boss! Funny how we all have different perspectives on the incident.

When I first read your post, I was irritated by what your boss said.

Terri ~

Oh, man! That was a ROUGH day you had! There are days that seem tougher than others and you had a double whammy with the headache AND the 5 sacks of goodies staring you down.

What good advice everyone gave you, too. Some said to suck it up and others felt like socking it to the boss! Funny how we all have different perspectives on the incident!

When I first read your post, I was irritated by what your boss said.
He just says that if I have so little self control to not eat the junk food that I will be a failure in my diet anyway

I felt like hammering him with a summer sausage and block of cheese for being thoughtless.

Sometimes I get angry at people who seem to be uncaring and don't try to understand how difficult it is for foodies to be surrounded by gourmet buffets.

It is NOT easy but the truth is, we live in a foody world. We cannot insulate ourselves from food or its influence. We are not like Bubble Boy encased in a shield that prevents carb- and fat-laden food from touching our palates. Food - it’s everywhere, Man!

We DO have to learn how to get along with our foody neighbors and not succumb to the call of the cheesecake.

It takes a lot of positive self-talk, intense nutritional intervention on our part and a decision to make permanent changes to our health and our eating habits.

We’ve all tasted the stuff inside those candy wrappers, we’ve eaten so many crackers we can most likely list the ingredients – we do not NEED them any more. Candy, cheese, chips, etc. do not make us happy, they do not make us feel good, look good or enhance the flow of blood in our hearts and arteries.

We are not on a temporary diet but a health program; we pass on the high-fat, the preservatives, artificial food coloring, the high carbohydrates that spike our blood sugar and are stored as fat.

In their place, we choose to eat fresh foods that contain lean protein, we choose to eat fresh vegetables with low-glycemic carbohydrates, we eat smaller servings, fuel our bodies regularly, drink fresh healthful water and we exercise most days – the reward is a healthy body, a happy mind and we have more energy to spend doing the things we love to do with the people we love to be with – we ARE stronger than the cheesecake!

Hope you are feeling better tonight. Let's show that boss whose boss of your eating habits!
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Postby mamabear » April 26th, 2006, 8:44 pm

:hug: I hope you are feeling better! I get migraines too so I know how that feels-and it makes everything else that's going on seem so much worse and harder to handle. :hug:
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Postby Arklahoma » April 26th, 2006, 9:58 pm

Tiolazz ~ I'm so angry that you're having such a miserable day. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do except suck-it-up and try to move past it. I'm crossing my fingers that you can dig deep down within yourself and find that extra bit of "umph" to pull yourself up and make it through. In fact, I found the perfect graphic, just for you ...

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Postby falisamarie » April 27th, 2006, 5:43 am

I hope that things are much better for you today. I know that some days it is easy to ask ourselves "why am I doing this?" Remember you are doing this for you and for no one else.

I hope the migraine is better today and if you want I can send all my kids to your office and they will happily dispose of that candy on your desk in a prompt manner.

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Postby Tiolazz » April 27th, 2006, 7:38 am

Thank you everyone for your kind posts and inspirational words. I did not succumb to the treats, I knew I wouldn't, but I just needed to vent at the fact that they were put out to tempt me. I am not a weak person, but I do have weak moments.

I do feel much better today. I went home, took some pain med's made a great l/g for my dh and myself. And of course, he was very supportive and helped me out a great deal. Thank the lord he sent him to me.....

Anyhow, today is a new day, I resolve to stay 100% compliant for the rest of this week, cut out the syrups, and see if I can get my loss back on track...

Oh yeah, as for the boss, I told him this morning, that if he wanted to foster bad eating habits for himself, and his clients it was fine by me, I moved the candy dish to the table between the chairs in our waiting area, and even asked him for the sacks so I could keep them filled up...

Then I informed him that I would be very happy to keep him informed of my weight loss... hehehehehehe

He kinda looked at me dumbfounded and then smiled... I win... hehehehe

and I forgot to tell you guys yesterday that for administrative professionals week, he brought me a huge heart shaped, you guessed it,
chocolate chip cookie... LOL, I just took it across the hall to another office and gave it to those girls... and then he sent me flowers...

I will be able to bring him around.... :D


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Postby Pashta » April 27th, 2006, 9:35 am

Hmm, is it possible his wife doesn't want him to have a skinny assistant? ;)
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