Having a hard time this afternoon

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Having a hard time this afternoon

Postby symone » October 18th, 2005, 12:07 pm

Hello all,

I'm really having a hard time this afternoon. I have another 1.5 hour til I can eat and I don't know what it is but I'm starving. I just ate. I'm craving something sweet so bad. But instead of giving in I figured I'd cruise the board and look for words of encouragement. I've been on track as far as spacing my meals out 2.5 hours but somewhere my brain (cause that's really what I think it is) is going haywire. I'm trying to remember why I'm doing this to stay on track. I know I can!!!
Started 10/3/2005


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Postby kriskno » October 18th, 2005, 4:14 pm

I am responding a little late but I have found that when I am feeling 'hungry' that a big glass of ice water seems to do the trick.
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Postby Nancy » October 18th, 2005, 5:14 pm

Symone - if you are a Starvin' Marvin, have a cup of bouillon. If you don't have any around, have some hot water with a drip drop of lemon juice, or a diet pop or have a shake - even if it isn't quite time to shake it up, go ahead! If you end up at the end of the day with all 5 packets gone and you're still hungry, have another shake - it adds only 90 calories and it won't mess with ketosis!
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