having a hard time

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having a hard time

Postby butterpecan » January 28th, 2004, 11:26 am

hello everyone, this is day number 3 on the program and i still be so hungry, i know it is a mind thing because before i started i could go all day and not eat a thing but now i cant wait till its time for the next shake or supplement or whatever. I wanted to do the full program because i have about 160 lbs (another person) to lose but i cant wait until i can have my meal so at times it gets discouraging. I m getting used to the different flavors and am able to deal with them, i guess i am too anxious to lose the weight that i have been carrying around for so long that i am discouraging myself, i m hanging in though and i still talk positively to myself so i wont give up. I have two kids that i cook for and i be so tempted to eat their leftovers or the food that i am cooking for them but i have to pat myself on the back i am stronger than i thought. I am waiting for this ketosis so i can get all this energy because i be so tired that i sleep more than i normally do. I havent gotten on the scale yet i am trying to wait until fri or sat hopefully i will be sucessful on this program and be forever free of this fat.
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Postby finalstraw » January 28th, 2004, 11:42 am


First, WELCOME! :D

Oh, just your name brings me cravings. I just went through what you are going through. I wish I could tell you it is going to be easy, but it isn't. You will get through this. The good days come and go, just like the bad ones. Come here and type away.

I am doing the full fast and just got over 3 days that were horrible. The past two days I have been fine, the desire to eat is still there, but easier to handle. I am on day 11, I have lost 15 lbs. - so hang in there. If you weigh everyday, don't be discouraged if one day you don't loose, or you go up a pound or so, your next drop will be take care of it.

This is more of a mind commitment than a stomach one. I have trouble even watching TV, every other commercial shows really fit, skinny, beautiful people eating food I am sure they don't eat in real life.

I wish I could offer more than just PLEASE HANG THERE! :D

Feeling your pain. :cry:

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Postby Jeanette » January 28th, 2004, 12:01 pm

Butterpecan--my favorite ice cream flavor! :)

You and I have the same amount of weight to lose! I am already 25% there, having lost 45 pounds. The first week was really hard, I mean REALLY hard! But once I saw the scale was twelve pounds less, that was all the motivation I needed to continue! Today is day 79 for me, and I wouldn't trade a single day of my journey thus far.

You can do it--hang in there!!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 28th, 2004, 12:01 pm

Hi ButterPecan,
Welcome to the forum. We're pleased to have you here. You've found the right place and are doing the right thing. Come on in and let us know when things get tough and we'll all help you through it. It will get easier.

Tell us what your typical schedule is for the day. Maybe we can add some helpful tips.

Keep Shakin',
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Postby swedishgirl » January 28th, 2004, 4:19 pm

Welcome ButterPecan-
To echo everyone else, hang in there!!! It is tough the first week, we'll not kid you. But it does get easier. I'm in day 27 and even though I am encouraged by my weight loss and how much better I feel already, there are times when I get discouraged thinking of the BIG PICTURE :shock: So, try to take one day at a time - an old cliche, but never more true than on our journey. You will have success if you stay true to yourself, surround yourself with supportive friends and rely on God for strength. He's there for you and this forum is too! God Bless! :lol:
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Postby star85 » January 28th, 2004, 6:08 pm

Hi all,
Stephanie, I totally agree with you when you stated," the desire to eat is still there, but easier to handle." After you reach day 3, you don't magically lose your appetite for food (ketosis or no ketosis), but it does get easier. It is really mind over matter and reminding yourself of the real reasons you want to lose weight. Basically it's self- discipline, which is not easy for anyone. Especially people that had used food for comfort or quick energy because of overwhelming schedules, LIKE I DID! I was thinking the other day that if someone is for example, an alchoholic or drug addict or cigarrette smoker, you can completely eliminate those things in your life and still survive, but if your addicted to food, you can't just stop eating forever and survive, so it's alot harder to have to still utilize something you're addicted to and manage it appropriately, than it is to cut it out of your life completely. I stopped smoking cigarrettes cold turkey many years ago, which is an extremely addictive behavior, but one day I just said, " I'm not picking up another cigarrette again and I didn't. I can't say that about food. " Well I'm never going to pick up another piece of food again" You can't physically do that and survive. It's hard to make the transaction from over eating to this program of a very low calorie diet, but it is doable. Can any one reading this post, ever picture an alchohlic saying, "I'll just cut down to 5 beers a day". If you're truly addicted, you wouldn't be able to drink just 5 beers a day. I'm just trying to make a point. I give all of us on this program an extreme amount of credit and respect for having the discipline, tenacity, and drive to go after the goal we want to accomplish ( weight loss )and JUST DO IT! Thank you for letting me ramble on. I needed to make up for not posting much lately. I feel better now and it's time for my next shake anyway! I 'm glad to be part of such a wonderful, non judgemental, supportive bunch of great people. It also feels good knowing everyone here understands how each other feels and what we are all going through,since we are all here for the same reason. Keep up the great work and keep losing!!!

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Postby Buckiiz » January 28th, 2004, 7:23 pm

Hang in there Butterpecan! The first few days are rough, but you'll feel differently when you step on that scale. I, too, am new to this but together we can all reach our weightloss goals and someday look back on this as a real "success" point in our lives. Keep in touch and we'll all help with ideas and tips to help make this just a little easier.
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Postby SneezyKitten » January 29th, 2004, 4:55 am

Hey BP! Hang in there! My energy didn't hit until after the first week, but it does happen! It does get better! :D

Read through old posts and through the Starting Out on FAQ for more info!!!!
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