(For all you Texans on here, I apologize, but ya'll are crazy.)
While I'm at it, I hate hate hate! my lousy neighbors and their thrice-damned dog. Every time I step outside, it barks, it's very aggressive and it attacks the fence. I think it's only a matter of time before it breaks the boards and comes into my yard and attacks me. I've talked to them, and they don't care. I stepped in a fire ant nest today, but fortunately got them off before I got bit. Every thing in Texas either wants to sting you, bite you, suffocate you or make your life miserable.
When I moved here, I was hoping I could enjoy warm winters, but the summers are too hot to handle. I'm allergic to something in the air that's made me sick for a month and unable to breathe. There's nothing like gasping for breath for 18 hours a day for a month to improve your lung power. Mine is 136% of normal and the doc says I'm fine, just take some allergy medicine. *grumble*
And to top it all off, I'm still freakin hungry! I just had my 7 ounces of shrimp and cup and a half of steamed broccoli not 30 minutes ago, and I could eat a whole pizza. I've had 80 oz of water today instead of my normal 4 diet sodas. I'm depressed, I hate it here and all I want is a whole chocolate cake. AND I CAN'T HAVE ANY CHOCOLATE!

I've been so good on this program, and I've lost 24 pounds. THat's fantastic, but on nights like this, it's really hard to remember. I'm hungry, I'm grumpy, I'm depressed and I want my comfort food.

What do I do to feel better when I can't have my comfort food and I spent all my extra money on hurricane supplies for this house that I almost wish would get destroyed so I could move somewhere else?
(rant over, thank you for listening)