Hi, hang in there! That neighbor of yours really needs to do something about their dog!

That makes me made when dog owners are irresponsible. I have been wanting chocolate lately too, and unfortunately, I succomed to my worst temptation....Starbucks! I have talked to my health advisor about this weakness. Its the cafe mochas that get me everytime!

BUT...today is a new day, and I am being a good girl....so far anyway.

I used to live in Texas too. I lived in Wichita Falls. I really liked it. But I was only there for 6 months. With my hubby being in the military, we are always moving around. We are in Hawaii right now. Have been here for 2 years. Most people hear that and they are so jealous,they think living in Hawaii is paradise.... NOT ALWAYS TRUE!!! I thought thats how it would be when we moved here, but we have had nothing but trouble here, I wont say all the people are racists, but alot are. My kids get it bad in school. I just pulled my 15 yr old daughter out of the school system here, I am homeschooling now. She used to be an honor roll student in Az and in NC, but we got here, and her grades went downhill fast. Anyway, I can just relate with the stress that you are going through, cuz stress can even cause certain cravings...like chocolate. Stress is one of the main reasons that I gained over 50 lbs in the 2 years we have lived in Hi. But thank the Lord I found out about MF!!Just hang in there, and maybe get a massage, I told hubby that is what I want for Mothers Day!