Having another rough one

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Having another rough one

Postby doglover » April 2nd, 2005, 5:21 pm

Man, just don't know why this happens. Today has been a really rough day. I was so hungry!!!! I did weaken yet again and had another spoon of PB. Why is the PB such a bad thing for me? Why can I resist EVERYTHING else in the world but not PB???? I really don't feel like I can throw it out either as my children love PB sandwiches for lunch. I need to figure out what the problem is. I feel like I could be sabotaging myself. I am getting close to that 150 and I am so afraid I will not be able to maintain it. I have decided to try to get to 140 before my Jamaica trip, but am questioning my resolve. I feel strong about control, other than that one little thing. How stupid is that????

Does anyone else have that one little thing that nags them? I need to pray about this. I need to take some time to really reflect on the why's of this. I resolve tomorrow to come back 100% and not dip that PB. I have only done it twice this week and nothing but 1 spoon, but still this feels like failure!

Ok, enough wining. Thakns for letting me vent and be honest here!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby tumbleweed » April 2nd, 2005, 5:38 pm

Hi Donna, this may sound weird but I crave refried beans, I hit the peddal to the metal when I am driving past a mexican resturant. Grab yourself a pickle or some celery when them urges come along, you will feel so good at the end of the day when you resist! Good luck getting away from the PB you can do it! :D
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Postby scrabbler7 » April 2nd, 2005, 5:40 pm

Donna - I too LOVE Peanut Butter. I was just telling my girlfriend at lunch the other day that I actually have thinking sessions about how I am going to be able to have a PB and J sandwich when I have completed my MF journey and transitioned through to maintenance. My issue is that I could eat a PB and J sandwich every day for breakfast and again for a late nite snack ... oh wait a minute; there's no COULD about that one ... I've done it OFTEN in my former fatty life.

Have you tried the PB MF bars? They may help to satisfy your craving for PB. I'm a PB freak; but irionically didn't care for the PB bar ... I much more prefer the Oatmeal. Soooo yummy .... oh sorry - I digress.

Okay - another thing. PB has LOTS of protein ... so maybe your craving for it means you are in need of some protein. Are you weighing your lean in your lean and green? Are you getting the full 4 oz? If so, why don't you up it to the 5 oz for a little bit to see what that does for you.

You could also try to be cognizant of when the lapse is occurring. Is it almost time for one of your meals? Maybe you need to move that meal up in your schedule to compensate. It could be the time when you are burning the most calories. If you have your L&G in the evening, and your lapse is occuring at the noon meal -- you could try moving your L&G meal to mid-day instead. Maybe your body is looking for some protein earlier in the day.

These are just some suggestions. I always try to figure out why my body is reacting the way it is BEFORE I turn a lapse into something worse.

Hang in there - at least you aren't eating a Brownie and you are catching yourself before you eat the whole jar of PB (which, yes - you've got it; I could certainly do in my formerly fat life).
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LOW CARB peanut Butter

Postby bikipatra » April 2nd, 2005, 7:03 pm

If you have to eat peanut butter why not buy the low carb kind? I bought it during the two weeks i was off the MF plan after trying it for 5 days. It is called "Carb Options" and is made by Skippy. It tastes exactly like the real thing. Hubby eats it now and he is a PB addict too. He also weighs 145 pounds so he never goes for diet food. The Carb Options PB has 5g of carbs per 2 tbsp serving. However, it claims to have 3g "net carbs" per serving. 190 calories though! However, it should not kick you out of ketosis being so low carb. Good Luck!
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Postby raederle » April 2nd, 2005, 9:53 pm

Hey Donna.... Don't you beat yourself up! :mrgreen: You might have slipped up a little by eating some PB, but you did exactly the right thing-- you recognized it as a misstep, came here to write it down and get support, and figured out what to do... You *know* there's a hidden reason for the PB, and you know it ain't hunger! You're *egggggzactly* right to realize that you need to sit down and think about *why* you reach for that PB. I have the same weakness for Cool Whip, believe it or not. If it's in the house, I eat it by the spoonful, fingerful, whatever, until the whole tub is gone in two days. I have no idea why Cool Whip and not Doritos, which are always in the house because my skinny DH loves 'em. But I do know that when I reach for Cool Whip, it's not because I'm hungry. It's because it's a quick and easy snack that tastes yummy. I don't have to nuke it, stir it, cook it, freeze it, mix it... it's just *there* for the taking. The only thing that works for me, to help me back away from the Cool Whip, is to think, "Okay, I could eat that Cool Whip. I could have 1 spoonful. But *then* what? Where will it get me? Will it satisfy my hunger? No, I'm not hungry. Will it make me feel better? No, it will make me feel worse. Will it help me lose weight? No, it will, if anything, derail all my efforts. ..." You get the idea. I basically use self-talk to figure out whether, at that moment, eating the PB/Cool Whip is the right choice. I ask, "What if I do? What then?" And I always remember, then, that the Cool Whip ain't gonna help.

You are *not* a bad person for slipping a spoonful of PB, and 1 spoonful probably won't have much of an effect on your loss. But you are right-- if you can talk yourself out of doing it, and figure out *why* you're really doing it, you will have gained a *very* powerful understanding about your eating habits that will serve you very well thru MF and maintenance. It's a personal, individual learning process, I think, and I know you will figure it out. You're doing *fantastically* on MF-- USE that success to power you through the PB. You are stronger than the PB, and you will win!!!


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Postby Dean0408 » April 3rd, 2005, 12:27 am

I want a pizza!...........but I won't.

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Postby LilMsTexas » April 3rd, 2005, 5:43 am

Donna...........you and Peanut Butter are like me and CHICK FIL A!! I will promise to stay away from Chick-Fil-A as long as you stay away from the Peanut Butter!! We'll do this together...and sweetie believe me...staying away from Chick-fil-a which is practically next door to my house is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE DEAL! I thought my babies were going to come out CLUCKING at birth both times!! And frankly...I think I could live exclusively on PBJ sandwhiches and Chick-fil-a...honestly!

So my challenge to BOTH of us is this.........no more PB AT ALL and for me to not even THINK about CFA! Together and with God's blessed mercy we can do ALL THINGS!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby want2Bthin » April 3rd, 2005, 6:47 am

I totally understand the PB addiction. I make my daughter PB sandwiches for her school lunch sometimes. I have to fight myself not to lick the knife when I finish spreading the PB. You can win this battle.

I love Taco Bell- luckily it is not in my pantry.

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Postby doglover » April 3rd, 2005, 6:54 am

Ok Christi - you are on! If I can avoid PB and help someone else along the way - it will be a win/win!!!

Let's talk every day and see how it went. When was it the hardest? When the easiest and what did we do to avoid! Every day for a week and then we'll feel so good at the end of the week and celebrate together!

Ok, so for me it is 9:50 am on Sun. I am 10 min. from my second meal. I have thought twice about PB. I think it is the "I'm hungry and I love pb and it is instantly filling" problem. I know there is some underlying sabotage things going on that I am going to pray about. But so far I have chugged more water and got on the forum to take my mind off it and I am successful!

Thanks for all the responses everyone. It is great to be accountable here and to get suggestions and to know I am not the only one keeping Jif in business! I may try to put the PB away and give my kids something different for lunch this week while I am figuring it out!

Thanks again MF buddies!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby Unca_Tim » April 3rd, 2005, 7:59 am

Alright all you Peanut Butter lovers,
Check out this one:
Medifast cure for Peanut Butter Lovers

I'm a Reesaholic and this one does it for me.
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Davinci PB

Postby LilMsTexas » April 3rd, 2005, 9:27 am

Already doing it UNCA...........awesome...........REESES in a CUP!!

and uh............the German Chocolate cake.......OH MY :shock:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby dlr2424 » April 3rd, 2005, 9:48 am

Donna...my buddy...how well I hear you with the PB.... :twisted: ...you know it too is my all time favorite....any way...any combo...PB on brownies...on bread..on candy bars....but just as yummy right from the jar...knife...fork...but best with a spoon....it was so satisfying for me....fortunatly.I haven't had to open the jar a whole lot...and when I did God handled the temptation ...WE ARE STRONGER THAN THOSE TEMPTATIONS!!!!... :yes: ....it is only an instant comfort that tortures us the rest of the day... :twisted: ...you will find your reason for turning to that choice and when you do you'll be able to avoid it...for now thank God it was only a spoonful & not the jar... :thumbup:

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Postby doglover » April 4th, 2005, 2:07 pm

Hey Christi (and everyone else): here is my Mon. accountability post on PB! I only thought about indulging twice today (really that is a big step) and RESISTED both times! :kool: I must say that knowing I was going to come on here and tell you about my PB (or lack of) day really helped! I couldn't let you and the forum down! But more importantly I did not let myself down.

And I discovered that it really is when I am truly physically hungry. PB is a quick (yummy) fix that really makes me feel full. So I decided to tell myself that even if it was only 2 hrs since my last MF meal I would eat if I am having a terrible craving for PB. It has worked both times it was bad. And I am finding that as the day goes on I am less and less hungry. I am eating at 8, 10 and 12:30 in the morning and then can make it longer and longer between meals (I had to force my last meal at 4 hrs last night) the rest of the day. I must have a get 'em up and go metabolism in the morning that makes me really hungry. So...I will continue to monitor this and then use this info when I move back to real food. I may need to eat a pretty good breakfast w/ oatmeal, dairy and fruit to make sure I have enough fuel to keep me from indulging in the mornings.

Sorry, long and winded, but feeling good! I really want to weigh as I just "feel" smaller today. But may be my size 12's that are really getting loosey goosey!! ;)

Thanks for "listening" :puter:
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby 24KaratGold » April 4th, 2005, 2:58 pm

Woohoo! You skinny gal, you! I dream of the day I can fit into a 14, and can't imagine the possibility of 12s ever being loose.

Congratulations on resisting the PB urge. You are going to know your body, and have all your foody habits figured out, by the time you get to goal, and that means you will know how to stay at goal (and look at those numbers! You're almost there!!).

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Postby LilMsTexas » April 4th, 2005, 4:38 pm

Alright Donna Doodle...I realize it is not the Chick-fil-a that I am battling daily but the pretzel sticks in my pantry. I have not admitted this until now but I have been indulging in about 6-8 pretzel sticks every night. Like you it was when I was hungry and the bag is just RIGHT THERE and the calories are very small and I convinced myself that just a few wouldn't kill me. :shock: My pretzels are your peanut butter it appears. So.............I am one day without pretzels and yes I've thought about them and yes I looked at them...........but then I was thinking about you and your JIFF (which is my FAV also) and decided to come here and say HI instead :lol:

I went to Curves today and I went to tan and I was dancing around in the tanning booth all naked and feelin' SASSY :shock:

Now here's the thing crew.........I will need extra MEDIPRAYERS on Tuesday and Thursday! THe first Tuesday and 1st Thursday of every month are my long days at work and VERY VERY Stressful. I will see about 20-30 high crisis probationers on both days starting at 8:30 and ending at 7:00 that night. Those days I am WIPED OUT and I won't be able to go home to eat anything. I will be pressed to find time to have a shake! ALSO...on check-in days EVERYONE goes out to eat Mexican food on Tuesday and something else on Thursday. All the officers go and it's a "bonding thing" so I feel like a boob if I don't go. So it's going to be two really really stressful, tiring, and hungry days I'm afraid. Wish me luck friends........I'm also having Raging River started today on top of EVERYTHING!! :x

Donna stay true........I'm VERY proud of you today!!! :kool:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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