Have a question about coffee

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Have a question about coffee

Postby katieb920 » February 1st, 2008, 7:38 pm

So I drink alot of Coffee. And I mean alot. Probably a whole pot a day. I know that it says for me to limit it. My question is I am thinking about giving up coffee all together. Will this help with my weight loss. Or will it put my body in shock and not lose anthing for a few weeks.

I did give up coffee a couple of years ago. But one day I was so exhausted that I had a cup. And never looked back. Any help would be great.

I realized that I needed to give it up, is when I went through Dunkin donuts and they recognized me and called me by my last name. I always use my debit card. Is that sad or what.
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Postby Lucy » February 1st, 2008, 7:51 pm

Hate to say it...but yeah. If you are able meaning, not too far gone on the addiction :) do 1 cup a day...do your DD morning brew...and thats it. Coffee is a hard hard one to go. I personally think you will see a sudden jump week or so after the end of coffee mania...it won't be easy, but after 2 weeks you will not notice that you don't have it at hand all the time.
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Postby rodeomom » February 1st, 2008, 8:04 pm

I know that I am not ever going to be able to give up my Diet Coke addiction so I try to drink extra non-caffinated stuff to compensate. I know my sister, who is a Global Director with TSFL lives in the Portland, OR area and is very well known at SEVERAL coffee shops in her area. She drinks the regular stuff not decaf and always has even when she was on the program. My parents are both big coffee drinkers and they never gave it up on the plan either. So far, I don't think my Diet Coke issue has hindered me at all.

If you do decide to give it up, I woulnd't go cold turkey. That would send your body into a horrible shock. Maybe try the 1/2 caf stuff first???
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Postby Serendipity » February 2nd, 2008, 3:29 am

Katie, I love my coffee and drank it in excess the whole time I was on program. I don't drink a pot a day, but I do drink at least 4 cups....I really don't count. During my busy time at work, there is a cup at my desk most of the time...my only exercise some days is to go back the hall and fill it up. :mrgreen:

I can't imagine a scenario where I would want to give it up. To me it's a safe rebellion. Aside from fighting teeth stains, that is.

But if you want to give it up, don't go cold turkey. Too bad they don't have rehab for coffee addiction, eh?
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Postby Tawanda » February 2nd, 2008, 9:15 am

Add my name to those who should cut back but don't wish to. ;) I drink at least 4 cups daily.

I'd cut back slowly...
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Postby Mike » February 2nd, 2008, 12:25 pm

Ya know, these Momentum products are great, and they replace coffee for the caffeine. I had a Momentum Chai latte this morning.... sometimes I forget that I actually do like the Chai Latte.
I wish that they would make the Hot Cocoa as a Momentum, but we can just hope.

The infusers are great, and we got our shipment yesterday.... so we are good to go.

Just something to contemplate... no coffee, but get your caffeine and energy burst along with appetite suppression all in one.

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Postby Serendipity » February 3rd, 2008, 4:24 am

Mike.....Caffeine is not the reason I drink coffee. It's the taste. Caffeine matters in the first cup, but after that it's the taste. I would drink decaf if it tasted as good as regular coffee. I'm not looking for a substitute for my coffee, sorry. :mrgreen: I know I'm going off the reservation by saying this, but I must.........have.......my........coffeeeeeeeee. :mrgreen:
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Postby Mike » February 3rd, 2008, 10:38 am

Serendipity wrote:but I must.........have.......my........coffeeeeeeeee. :mrgreen:

Spoken like a true coffee addict (kinda like me). ;)
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Postby KellyC » February 3rd, 2008, 10:55 am

I love coffee, but I never drink it, mostly because my favorite way to have coffee is half coffee half milk.

I am trying to cut down on my aspartame intake, so I cut out the diet pepsi's completely this past week (week 3 for me OP), and it was ok. I assume it was all the water we're supposed to drink.. but I didn't even have caffeine withdrawal headaches. I plan to have one as a treat occasionally, when I feel like I am 2 seconds from running to the store to buy out their entire snack aisle. I did not notice any difference in weight loss this week from the last weeks.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do Katie :)
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