I have an idea

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I have an idea

Postby xwoman » May 5th, 2006, 7:58 am

Hey all,

I was arranging my beautifal packages of Medifast and Crystal light, and got to looking at the CL container, it HAS to have a use I am thinking...thinking that thing I do WAY too much of. Anyhow, today I saw alot of newbies struggling with old friends (foes donuts etc). I thought you know we each want thinness for very personal reasons, things we may not say in the forum, but say inside. SO each time I say, oh I want to be able to rum with my kids, or fit in that CUTE outfit, I will write it on a slip of paper and put it in my cute Ctystal Light container. When I need to get past a craving I vow to myself, read the contents, then decide if I want to cheat.

So what do you think? Anyone with me?

I will call my can THE 'I CAN' CAN, my hopes, dreams, wishes, etc will
be on the can. I think I may have another can to hold my accomplishments, like 1 day on, 5 lbs lost, THOSE pants fittting.

I may even add a photo of before in there, that will scare the craving right out of you.

PS for all of the Medifastville fans out there, there is a new song in the works a parody of Redneck Woman, you guessed it Medifast Woman, the opening line will remain, I ain't ever been the Barbie Doll type, with a line like that it should be fun.
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Postby Lauraly » May 5th, 2006, 9:30 am

Sounds like a great idea!

I have a little notepad, and everytime I get a craving, I write down the name of the food there. For some reason it helps. Like I had it, it was good, and now I can move past the craving.
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Postby MISSANNE » May 5th, 2006, 10:40 am

I'm with ya!

Great idea!
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Postby jump4joy » May 5th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Great idea! :idea: I think I'll try that. I also use what I call my Dollar Jar. I cleaned the wax out of the beautiful glass container that large candles come in, got about $100.00 worth of dollar coins and fifty-cent pieces, and every day that I stay on program I put a dollar coin in. If I exercise that day, I put in the fifty-cent piece. If I slip, I don't get to put in a dollar, and if I blow it, I give away the dollar PLUS one from my jar. It's fun and rewarding to see those coins fill up the jar! :D I got the idea from Linda Spangle, who wrote Success In a Shaker Jar.
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Postby dede4wd » May 5th, 2006, 12:35 pm

I think it's a GREAT idea! I also like the money jar! Just think of all the thinny clothes you can buy when the jar fills up!

I love the note idea! I personally found these new post-it note photo paper things. I printed a photo of myself at my highest weight. I took some photo software and wrote "NEVER AGAIN" on the bottom and stuck that sticker to the fridge. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is! I made one for my travels too!

I think anything we do to remind ourselves our reasons not to cheat AND our triumphs (even if it's making it 3 hours without cheating!) is wonderful!


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Great ideas

Postby xwoman » May 5th, 2006, 12:53 pm

Wow I love the other ideas, especially the money jar, that is a nice little start to a vacation, gee I think I will do the 1 dollar a day, plus make my husband pay in each time I drop 10. I think that is worth it to him :roll:

I am 3 meals in haha, can not wait to tray all my products. BTW all my product arrived today after the little wrong delivery, so I have everything at my finger tips.


Where do I find the little sheet to print off that has water consumed shakes consumed, how you feel. I would really appreciate some directions on finding it again! Thanks all
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Postby dede4wd » May 5th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Xwoman, I use the MMT one...here's the link

There is also one in your quick start guide to copy and fill out every day! Hope this helps! Have FUN trying all the new Medi-grub!

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Postby Arklahoma » May 5th, 2006, 2:45 pm

Great Ideas, Guys!!!
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Postby jump4joy » May 5th, 2006, 3:11 pm

Thanks for the link DeDe! I ended up downloading both files, but they look the same....not sure which one to keep :?: (Not that important tho')

I like your NEVER AGAIN reminder.....you sound so resolute and determined. :weightlift: :lightsword: :weightlift:
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