Okay...here it is. I know it's going to sound nuts but....
Since it first came on air, I have been semi-obsessed with the reality show... "The Amazing Race".
I've wanted to go and try out for it, but for obvious reasons knew I was not in any shape to have a decent shot at it...but now, there is hope, and a dream.
I'm wondering if there are any other adventurous lassies (or Lads) who would be willing to try out with me?
First of all, I KNOW I'm still not physically ready to try out, but hope to have the major portion of my weight loss done by the end of this year. And I am hoping to add some daily walking onto my Curves regime now that the weather is nice. So, I'm thinking the beginning of 2007 would be the time to apply.
I am hoping with the great story behind our Medifast weight losses, (we'll have lost at least a person and a half in weight by then) that it would be a good hook to give us a better than average chance of making the cut.
Anyone else up for it? Or even the willing to consider the possibility?
Thanks for considering.