have to ask....

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

have to ask....

Postby Nite Izes » January 6th, 2005, 5:16 pm

I don't know about you, but I have to ask everyone and anyone who wishes to join in. Is there an article of clothing that you dream of wearing once you met your weight goal?

Back in the winter of 1998, I wore a size 10 in clothes and purchased 2 designers dresses each costing about $800 each (I got them on holiday special price). One is a black velvet strapless dress with a sequin style bolero jacket from a famous Italian designer and the other one is a beautiful and elegant pearl with soft rhinestone laced beige opened back British designer dress that looks like something out of late 20s early 30s. Both are size 11.

Unfortunately, as I began to gain weight in 1999, I was never ever to enjoyed these dresses and it sat in my closet tucked away for years, until I found them now. These 2 dresses are my inspiration and hope to one day wear them and take a picture with me in it for all to see.

I have these past few months gone from a size 24-26 to my current size 18. Hopefully by the end of March, I can be 14-16 or be very close to wearing these dresses. I even feel like taking a picture and posting it here so everyone can see what these dresses looks like that is giving me such inspiration to really lose weight and look beautiful once again. I cannot imagine with the way I look now to see myself in theses dresses, but hope that this year my dream and desire to wear them will come true.

:dance: Anyone else has such inspiration, whether clothing or something else??
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2005, 5:33 pm


I wanna see the dresses! Oh, yeah - post 'em!

I'm wearing my dream pants - see me in the picture in the upper left hand corner?

I love the off-the-shoulder shirt that Terry had made for me, too - imagine! What a cute man to have a lady in a boutique create and sew the shirt for MOI? It's an incentive to stay true to my life program for life and to that darlin' man!
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Postby RareBear » January 6th, 2005, 6:15 pm

The piano scale of my body was going up in size and, thankfully (or would it be thankthinnily?) down in size. In the meantime, I had a closet full of going "down the scale" clothes, with the topper being my size ten designer suit, which is a little black and cream colored outfit I love.
That's still about a month off, but I do try on my size ten jeans every other day, just to see how much closer I'm getting to getting in them; it's getting very close!
You, Nancy, and I need to toast with a shaker of MF when (and it is when, not if) we reach our goal with our outfits on... and anyone else who'd like to join us!
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Postby fedup » January 7th, 2005, 12:44 pm

Oh yeah, I got a stash of "dream clothes..." The size 9/10 boot cut jeans that are from one of those stores where it's a "real" size. (You know, not the times that you try on 50 pair to find the one pair in the lower size, just cause that designer obviously lies to make us feel better!) I also got some sexy cute halter type tops for summer. Even when I was at my thinnest they were "just out of reach..."

Well not by this spring, this spring they'll be on and looking good if I have anything to say about it!
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Postby raederle » January 7th, 2005, 1:01 pm

I'm in! I'd love to get into this Ann Taylor dress that I bought in a size 4. Do not adjust your television sets, kids-- yes, it's a size 4. Don't know what I was thinking, but it was on sale, so I have an excuse.

Anyway, I'm an 8 now and can sometimes get into 6's if the manufacturer goofs and mislabels them! :roll: But if I reach my goal of 125 (I'm 5'5"), I hope I can squeeze my butt into it.... Now I just need to convince my husband that we need to dress up and go somewhere that doesn't permit you to enter in jeans!

Like fedup, I have some cute tanks and halter tops that I'd like to fit into instead of squeeze into, too! Nite, your dresses sound gorgeous-- a worthy goal to get back into them!

Happy weekend, all! Keep shakin'!

High weight = 180
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Postby mindovermatter » January 7th, 2005, 2:49 pm

Oh yeah! I have sizes 18 to 8.

Since going to a 16 and over, I have refused to by good suits, especially since today's work environment is business casual and I work in the boonies so nobody dresses well at my office.

Anyway, I do have designer suites I would love to try on again even though they are 5-10 years old and should be put out to pasture. Then there is this one jeans mini dress that I wore briefly in my 20's that is totally passe but I would love to get into it just to say I can. It's a junior size 7-8.


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Postby Karen » January 7th, 2005, 3:57 pm

All my clothes are "fat" clothes. I plan to ONLY get what I have to have until I to my goal weight. Then, EVERYTHING I own to wear is going out and I am going on one major shopping spree!! Absolutely nothing with elastic waistbands! And hopefully something sleeveless for the summer months!! I am already planning on what my new "style" and color scheme will be and how to organize my closet space! I can't weight to have only clothes that fit, and fit nicely.
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Postby Guest » January 8th, 2005, 3:53 am

My husbands cowboy boots and nothin else :whip:

I want to look good without the clothes too! lol
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Postby izabelle » January 8th, 2005, 3:57 am

guest?? :oops: oops guess I wasn't logged in
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Postby Guest » January 8th, 2005, 10:23 am

LOL -- Good point, izabelle! Maybe looking great nekkid is the best goal there is! After all, wouldn't it be a shame to cover up our new bods with clothing?!?!
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Postby NikkiNix » January 8th, 2005, 10:56 am

Hello all,

I do have cloths that are a size medium from 10 years ago but, I have a special swimming suit in mind. Next year in January I am going on my 10 year anniversary on a cruise and I am determined to wear a swimming suit without that damn skirt attached. I have a year to do it so I don't want to overshoot my expectations so I think a size 14 is resonable. I know for some that may still be big but when your squeezing into a 26 is sounds fabulous. Plus I'm sure alot of you may remember Marlin Monroe was a size 14 :shock: . My ideal size, when I get there, is a 10.

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » January 8th, 2005, 12:09 pm

Love this thread!!
I don't have anything in my closet that is smaller than an 18 which is the size I am now (FOR THE MOMENT)!!
I started at 26-28 in October and had a few size 18's from 3years ago when I was on MF the first time and then went off of it like a dufus!
My favorite outfit to buy when I hit goal will be a cashmere sweater in
my favorite color of bright red along with a black leather skirt and black
tall boots OO LA LA!!!
Tomorrow I am heading off to the mall to shop for a few after Xmas sale
pants to get me thru for another month or so,as my current pant
wardrobe that fits, consists of a pair of boot cut blue jeans and a pair of black pants. Thats it LOL All the rest of my bottoms are falling off!!
My friend Julie called me last night and ask if she could buy some of my old bigger sizes as I tend to always be a clothes horse no matter what size I am.
I told her I would be happy to give them to her, as I will eventually have her on MF some day as well and she won't need those sizes for long.
Do you realize that hopefully by my birthday in 3 weeks I may be in a size 16!!
I haven't been in a 16 for probably 15 years, so this will be SO exciting!!
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Postby Nite Izes » January 8th, 2005, 1:16 pm

Nancy, I'll get the camera and display those dresses within the week. I had to place them back in the suit bag and shove it in the back of my closet. Taking those dresses out in itself is a workout. I kept fantasizing of wearing them and could not bear or even dare place them in front of me to check out in the mirror as to how they will look on me one day. I do not want my little pipe dreams to be ruin by the current physical "evidence" in front of me right now (my body). I know I have a long way to go before I can even wear them, but I am determined that this monster of a weight will come off this year.

Ladies.... I do not even know when was the last time I ever wore a pair of jean and it seems that all my jeans have disappeared from the house. And to think that I did look good in them many moons ago. Oh yes, that is a definite, once I hit a size 12 gee even size 14, I will go shopping and buy myself a pair of hip hugging jeans to show off those "Marilyn Monroe hips, legs and *cough* *cough* curves". I have for the longest wore those elastic style waistband pants that are "roomy" on the legs.

Just last night, out of curiosity, I notice that my wedding ring that did not fit on my finger for over 4 years and sitting in the jewlery box is now going past my knuckles again and almost reaching its position. I sure do love my wedding ring and how beautiful it is.
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2005, 7:17 pm

Girls (and Guys - you just haven't posted yet) ~

Don't lose sight of your goals. Keep them in your mind every three hours of every day. I NEVER EVER in my WILDEST dreams thought I would be able to wear a pair of zip up jeans or a skirtless bathing suit.

I now have leather pants, a leather skirt and boots! Because I can!

Because I kept my goal foremost - didn't waver even when it was difficult, even when it seemed impossible to suck down another shake when everyone around me was eating real live food, I reached my goal. Because I make wise food choices now, monitor my weight very carefully, I have maintained my weight loss.

There is no reason why any of you will not be able to wear (or :oops: NOT wear in izabelle's case!) the things that you have described. The secret to your success lies in your hand in a little shaker jar.

Your destiny lies in that jar.

Some of you will eventually shove that shaker jar in the back recesses of your kitchen cupboard or pantry and you will never be able to wear those smaller clothes you've got stashed in the back of your closets because you'll get side-tracked, you'll forget to keep your eye on the prize and like a young child, you won't be able to delay gratification and you will :twisted: cave to the flave and at that point, you will decide your destiny.

Oh, People! I want you ALL to cross the finish line! I am waiting for you on the other side.

Keep focused, drink your water, eat your Medimeal every three hours, do not cheat - Decide now and then be determined to be program-compliant.

I have been private emailing with a person whom I want to succeed more than they did and the person fell off the Mediwagon. I believed with my whole heart that success was possible for them, they just had to be so determined that they would not let anything keep them from success.

This is his/her reply to me this morning, "my desperation has turned into determination."
Your success will occur when YOUR desperation turns into determination.

I know that nothing tastes as good as thin feels and I am wearing my leather pants in Las Vegas ~ Because I can!
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Postby izabelle » January 8th, 2005, 11:41 pm

Go NANCY!! Ya hot cheeky momma! :kool:

I call dibs on those leathers when yer sick of em (because I can)lol

Seriously, great words of wisdom. Thats exactly what put me back on track and more determined than I have ever been about anything. A combination of that and disgust with myself. It's so much easier to stay true to the plan with those thoughts circulating in my mind. And if I may add BECAUSE I CAN TOO and will. Thanks for keeping us focused.
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