I hate doctors views of overweight people

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I hate doctors views of overweight people

Postby ror » January 27th, 2004, 11:49 am

:x I went to the doctor yesterday and while I was there I requested a temp handi-placard due to heel problems I'm having,,,pluss I can park at the meters downtown for free while at work :D

anyways my gripe is about how he filled it out.... it ask for a reason why it is being issued he put plantars fasciates (heel problem) then the <snip>language-UT</snip>went and put a slash mark and wrote MORBID OBESITY!!!!! ughhhh.... How embarassing now I have to take this thing and give it to someone to get my placcard and it says basicly I need a handi-placcard because I'm too fat to walk!!!!!! :oops: What a bunch of <snip>language-UT</snip>, yes I'm way overweight right now but come on!!!!!! I mean I am totally capeable of doing everything I always have, why did he have to put that there what a jackass :x

[edited by Unca:You're keeping me busy Rory...:)]
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Postby Starloser63 » January 27th, 2004, 12:05 pm

Don't know what to say to that. Sometimes the truth hurts us. ;)

I know myself, ;) I hope no one will notice, but I know they notice. I hope I'm not hurting your feelings. You seem like a sweetie.
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Postby Indigo » January 27th, 2004, 12:09 pm

I still think the Dr. was rude. And you're right, He may be stating the obvious, by then, why did he have to state it?

PS- I have the same problem, too, Rory- I'm hoping with more weight loss that the heel problem will ease up . . .
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Postby ror » January 27th, 2004, 12:28 pm

what I mean by the post is 1: why did he even need to write that
2: wtf is up with the term MORBIDLY OBESSE?
That just sounds so rude like you have some horrible dieasese
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 27th, 2004, 12:33 pm

Welllllll.....<snip>language-UT</snip> him!!!!

In a couple months he wont be able to say that...:)

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Postby BonitaGirl » January 27th, 2004, 12:36 pm

Ugh!! I remember the first time I saw that on a Drs report, I almost died! and that was 40 lbs ago! I was a size 14-16 then, is that really morbidly obese????

It is rude of him, he didn't need to put that, all he needed to do was put the heel problem. I am sorry hon, I know how hurtful those 2 words are.
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Postby female1978 » January 27th, 2004, 1:25 pm

I would have to agree with Susan on this one. With all due respect, sometimes the truth does hurt and I think this may be a case of misplaced anger...

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Postby ror » January 27th, 2004, 1:57 pm

I have so much anger that I misplace it everywhere :twisted:
I like misplacing my anger especially with people that feel the need to make a uneeded comment like that A*hole did :x

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Postby finalstraw » January 27th, 2004, 3:36 pm

Maybe the doc was put-out that you wanted a handicap tag in the first place. Many docs here people whinning all day and they really become callus and think everyone is 'just complaining'. :?

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Postby Ellen » January 27th, 2004, 3:46 pm

Hang in there. Remember, sooner than you think, you'll be slim and fit and fine, and he'll still be a rude-what's-you-might-call-it. (That's the way we mothers curse! :D )

Seriously, if you don't feel that you have a good relationship with your doc, it really would be a good idea to shop around. I've worked with some really top notch caring, compassionate docs and with some real losers. You need to find someone who has a personality and style that meshes with yours. Talk to friends and ask about doctors. If you know any nurses, they are the ones to ask!

Hang in there and keep slurping (and sloshing) your way to a better life.

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Postby Kimbob » January 27th, 2004, 4:31 pm

I agree with Ellen, ror. I would dump the doc. You did NOT ask for the placard because of your weight - so he had no business adding that little "snippet" into the application.

You need a doctor who can be sensitive to your situation, and who will recognize the hard work you are doing right now and SUPPORT you through it.

I'm really sorry you went through that. I would be angry, too.

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Postby susan » January 27th, 2004, 6:09 pm

dump the dr. he is very nasty and has a bad attitude all dr. don;t treat you that way and after all you are paying the bill and you didn;t pay him to insult you. they burn me up with their smart remarks .just wait till you lose this wt. then you can rub his nose in it. susan
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I Hate Doctors Views of Overweight People

Postby Jules » November 19th, 2005, 12:05 am

Greetings ~ I actually was looking for some reading material while I was waiting for my doctor to enter the examination room and found "a doctor magazine". The article entitled, "How to deal with your feelings about your fat patients".....was astounding. It almost insulted me as I read it. The article suggested that doctors look at the fat patient with a little more compassion as the patient might be a very successful and rich businessman or businesswoman who is stressed out or this fat patient is an excellent parent or the patient might have already lost a lot of weight through a diet the doctor was not aware of.....This article suggested ways a doctor could actually muster up tolerance and get rid of the disgust felt toward a fat patient......this is truly sad when a human being perceives himself/herself as so much better than someone who has weight issues. For those doctors who take care of the overweight patient....they surely will have a place in heaven! Everyone is equal is God's eyes.....Jules
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Morbidly obese

Postby Jan » November 19th, 2005, 3:05 pm

Oh my goodness,
Those words "morbidly obese" sure did cause a reaction. :x I know I am stepping on hurting toes but as someone before me said -- sometimes the truth does hurt :cry: but then again sometimes it helps us. :) It depends upon what we do with it. Perhaps the Dr. should have discussed your weight issues with you before writing that on the application. Your heel problem was most likely aggravated by the excess pounds. My daughter is a med student and I know that many many patients get very angry when it is implied that their problem is most likely weight caused or related. Perhaps your Dr. saw the relationship so added the weight issue as a contributing factor. Now to those "nasy words" -- morbidly obese.All that means is that you are enough overweight to endanger your health. It doesn't take too many extra pounds to do that. In fact we know that only 20 extra pounds can cause all kinds of problems. As our degree of being overweight increases so do the health risks.
The classifications are as follows: mildly obese, moderately obese and morbidly obese. All the classifications pertain to is your likelyhood of getting a weight related illnesses. Some of these as we know are: high blood pressure,diabetes, joint issues, bone pain, certain cancers etc. Many of these are life threatening and have life altering consequences Sometimes we just have to accept a diagnosis for exactly what it is, and work on it. I think the problem here lies in the fact that weight is a sensitive area. We realize we are overweight and it's hard to have it pointed out in black and white for all who look at the application to see.
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Postby Lauren » November 21st, 2005, 7:45 am

Hi, folks.

Yeah, I am with Jan on this one. "Morbidly Obese" is not a condemnation, it's a medical term. And the truth is, and please forgive me if this sounds harsh, Ror, but you did write in the first paragraph that you were looking forward to the free parking close to work, so perhaps the doc wasn't buying the "heel" argument, and jumped instead to the conclusion that you didn't want to have to walk far, because of your weight.

There is no excuse for a doctor to be so unkind, and perhaps you (and he) would have benefited from a kinder dialogue about how to improve your heel pain AND address the weight issues - at which point you could proudly mention the success you are having on MF! Then he would have reduced judgement, knowing you were making proactive strides in weight loss.

I would recommend you take your anger and redirect it to your goals. I suspect that after much weight is lost, you won't find yourself requesting handicap parking. You'll take much more pleasure in the walk!

Oh, and if you feel totally alienated by the doc, drop him. No need to feel animosity towards your doc, there are too many other out there to select.

Good luck with MF and with the heels. I am sure the success with the former will lead to improvement of the latter.


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