I hate doctors views of overweight people

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby myfavred » December 13th, 2005, 1:26 am


I just wanted to say about the reading material regarding Fat people and doctors' feelings. In the medical world doctors are taught to behave in a certain way. In medical ethics classes it is taught how to deal with all the patients. It ranges any where from the different ways to approach Middle Eastern women to African American males to Middle Class Caucasian. Because there is a certain psychology that can be found in a group (whether we like it or not). So may be that article was about the Psychology of patients and how doctors can avoid hurting their feelings. Seriously contrary to the popular belief doctors are not blood sucking leeches and it takes a lot of work, dedication and time to get to that point. Majority of them do it out of the love for people and not for money. Seriously after at least 4 years of grueling undergrad, then med school and then a residency (which equals slave labor) and piles of loan. They don't do it just so they could be jerks and hurt everyone's feelings. So please lets not hate them for telling the truth.
Last edited by myfavred on December 13th, 2005, 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lauren » December 13th, 2005, 7:04 am

Hey, Myfavred-

So, I was totally in agreement with you, and had already commented way back at the start of the "nasty doctor" dialogue that they need to be honest, and are not usually trying to be cruel. As a general rule, I believe they do the best with what they know.

However, you attached that link to the student/doctor forum as "evidence" of their training and knowledge, and I suspect, compassion, and it actually was the opposite! I typed in "obesity" to the search, and there were all of these awful forums of people making fun of fat people, in truly unkind ways. Not professional, not helpful, not compassionate.

Anyway, I am going to stick with my prior theory that most doctors are trying to help their patients achieve healthy and productive lives, but have to admit to a glimmer of awareness now that some doctors (and doctors to-be) are just jerks in white coats!

If anyone prefers the ignorance is bliss philosophy, I recommend you avoid the doctor forum that Myfavred mentioned above!

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Postby myfavred » December 13th, 2005, 8:06 am

Hi Lauren

Yes attaching the link was a mistake. Mainly because it is a student forum where either really tired residents or pre meds vent. So they will say horrible things about anyone they can. :oops: However there were some postings in the family practice part of that forum that were really nice and showed the compassion. I guess I should have searched for those and pasted them. But thank you for agreeing. I will remove the link and will post the link to the postings after this week :)
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Postby aphrael » December 13th, 2005, 12:10 pm

Someone else furhter up stated that Morbidly Obese is a medical term and classification. It is not ment as a personal attach on you, it is simply a fact. I remember the first time I read I was Morbidly Obese, it is based on your BMI, and I was shocked. It sounds so negative and offensive, but you have to remember it is just a term. Would you be offended and pissed off if your doctor told you you were Diabetic? Or if he wrote on a medical form that you were Diabetic? It is about the same thing, a term used to discribe a condition you already know you have. Like with anything else you might not like it, but you do what you have to to make changes. You know you have a weight issue, anyone that looks at you knows that, but you know inside you are doing something about it, so don't worry about what is on a peice of paper, don't be embaressed by it. Keep shaking and shrinking and soon that term will be nothing more than a bad memmory. Keep things in perspective.
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Morbid Obesity

Postby hops » April 19th, 2006, 12:40 pm

I was a former "morbidly obese" person. Sadly but true, it's a technical term used when you are at least 50 lbs overweight. The doctor might not have my empathy or bed side manner and apparently no compassion. But in his defense, he has to justify those handicap placards to someone. He may have had to use the clincal term "morbid obesity" for that reason.

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Postby ascicles » April 19th, 2006, 12:53 pm

I guess I'll join the other side, because I don't have a problem with the way the doctor looks at me. I am morbidly obese and I don't need a doctor to sugarcoat it for me. The fact is, morbid obesity is a term that is perfectly accurate. I am at a level where my obesity is a risk to my permanent health...and eventually, it would be responsible for my death.

We got ourselves into this shape, so we have to live with the consequences of it. You are obviously on the right path though, so it's something to work for.
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Suck it up

Postby gillian » April 19th, 2006, 1:57 pm

Hey Rory!

You seem like a riot! However, you have to suck it up and deal with it. We ate our $$$ worth at the buffet, now no one wants to prance around us and protect our feelings. You did not feel this bad when you were buying the twinkies, right? It is a medical term. You will be fine, and in the mosh pit again before you know it. You live in paradise- take a deep breath of ocean air, fill your lungs, relax, and thank God your Dr. did not recommend a tank at your local fish themed amusement park. :) It is only a medical opinion, after all. No biggie.
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Postby just_julie » April 19th, 2006, 3:58 pm

FWIW - Not sure Rory will respond since this post is from January 2004... Not that it's bad to dig up old posts. Sometimes they are very - timely!

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That is funny

Postby gillian » April 19th, 2006, 4:13 pm

It is funny how old that is. And, funny how unobservant I am.
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Postby Bonnie » April 19th, 2006, 4:15 pm


I worked in a hospital for 24 years in medical records. I had to have a stomach operation due to scar tissue. When I went to get a copy of the History and Physical - there in black and white was the words "She is morbidly obese". I was so upset I went home and took it out on my poor family. I then went for the comfort foods and ate myself into a terrible stomach ache.

Please do not indulge in this kind of behavior unless you want to start day 1 over again. In other words I know just how you feel.

You will not need the Handicap sticker for long if you stick to the program.

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