Has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to Medifast items?

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Has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to Medifast items?

Postby HarmonyRose » September 5th, 2005, 4:31 pm

Hello, I just ordered and received my first month's Medifast products. However, just after ordering it, I had a bad allergic reaction (which I am prone to) to some other food items. My allergy doctor tested me for soy and I did not react to it, but he is hesitant about my being able to go ahead and use the products now. Especially since I have just had this big reaction recently. I really want to do this program, and so I was wondering if anyone else had experienced any reactions. I am a little scared of another bad allergic episode now, but I also don't want to not get started. I experienced hives and angioedema due to other causes, and my face was also swollen. Does anyone know is there is any high risk ingredients? I know this is hard to make a call for, when everyone is different, but I was just wondering if anyone had any information at all. I so much appreciate your time.
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Postby Tk » September 5th, 2005, 8:16 pm

Hi HarmonyRose,
If you click on the word search, then type in allergic reaction....there has been others that have gotten some type of reaction from some of the products. I hope this information helps you!! Good luck and I hope you don't have to give up the product.
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Postby mytime » September 5th, 2005, 8:50 pm

I remember reading something about the chicken soup. Wish I coudl be of more help. Which product did you eat or do you know ? That might make a difference. That and I would call Nancy or your HA if you have one. She can talk you through it and maybe it is another ingredient that only that supplement has. Best of luck to you - wish I could be of more help- let us know - OH and WELCOME !!!Mytime
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