Has anybody had this problem with Medi-grub?

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby DogMa » May 8th, 2006, 7:36 pm

OK, I take it back. After almost a year on the program, last night when I made my frozen hot cocoa drink, the packet looked suspiciously light. And when I tried to drink it, it was really thin and too watery to have any taste. I dumped it out and used another packet, which was fine.

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Interesting Packets

Postby Jan » May 9th, 2006, 11:29 pm

Be sure and notify TSFL when these mix-ups occur. It is helpful if you write down the batch number from the package. They are really really good about replacing the product for you. :D
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Postby DogMa » May 11th, 2006, 9:07 pm

I actually set the little packet aside so I could call them, Jan. But with all the racing around from the move, I haven't gotten around to it. I'll try to call tomorrow.

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Postby Guest » May 13th, 2006, 9:22 am

That's strange! I got on the computer to post something about this very subject! I was making my daily oatmeal muffin breakfast the usual way this morning. Packet of French Van., 1/8 tsp. baking powder, two packets splenda and 1/3 cup water. I noticed the oatmeal took up way less room in the bowl than usual so I just poured half the water into the oatmeal, stirred and....colored water with lumps! :? I decided to let it sit a while and then pour it into the ramekin to cook. It thickened slightly but still was not like it usually is. I ended up with a 1 inch tall, mushy muffin! :(

I've had similar problems with chili (brown water with beans floating in it....yuck!) and shake packets that I used to make shake cookies (or in this case, huge shake crepes). I've also had chicken noodle soup that turned out more like noodle water.

My biggest complaint is that I end up hungry an hour later and haven't the slightest idea what to do. Do I have another supplement or wait the usual 2 1/2 to 3 hrs and try to get by on a pickle or SF jello till time for the next supplement? :scratchhead:
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Postby Allison Onederland » May 13th, 2006, 9:25 am

The guest was me. For some reason, I got logged out while I was posting. :huh: This just isn't my medi-morning. :lol:
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Postby jump4joy » May 13th, 2006, 11:27 am

Well, you're not getting your full amount of nutrents with those lighter packets...that's strange it's happened to you so much. I would just throw away the defective meal and make a new one with a new (full) packet). Then call TSFL and I'm sure they'll send you replacements so you're not out any $$.
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Postby Ketann » May 14th, 2006, 9:40 pm

I haven't had a defective meal, but I screwed my Chicken Noodle soup up so bad the other day I started over with a new packet :| . Let's just say not all microwaves are created equal. Mine cooks things a little faster and I wasn't paying attention. Soup all over the revolving tray, none in the bowl :roll: . I now use a deeper bowl :D .

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