Harder than hard

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Harder than hard

Postby lorriehartley » March 25th, 2004, 4:47 pm

Good Grief this is hard. I have no energy, I am tired and I want to eat very badly. I read about how eventually I will have an orgasmic experiecne, I say bring it on. Right now I feel like I am having a mental break down instead of a break through.

I am trying to picture myself thin, I can't do that, my face is never on the body. I am very hopeful, oh, I am always very hopeful. It feels like all the other diets I have been on. Gung Ho at first, all exicted, can't wait to start than bam! I am defeated! Not on purpose, maybe habit, this is frustrating. I keep wondering how many times I am gonna keep going around the same dumb mountain. This is one mountain I would finally like to go over.

good points, I haven't fallen off the wagon, I exercised today and I have drank my supplements. It seems that evening is the hardest for me. At work I am on top of my game, I am the boss and I tell people what needs to be done and they do it -- I really love the employees I get to work with. See -- just like that I feel like I have to explain my every comment so you don't take me wrong. Why should I care if you think I am a good person or not.

Right now, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't come on-line and get some type of support.

I am just agitated!
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Postby shineface » March 25th, 2004, 5:03 pm

Lorrie ---

I promise -- this is the only time you will ever have to lose weight again. The MF plan is everything it says and more --- this forum is what puts me over the top on the plan ---my numbers are proof positive. This is the place you can come for information, conversation, to question, to vent, to cry, to laugh, to celebrate and sometimes just to get things off your mind. WE all understand each other because in so many ways we are each other - maybe in different stages, BUT we all understand the pain of being FAT and needing to change our behaviors and re-train if we don't want to re-gain!

I have started and lost and failed and cried and been embarrassed and angry so many times in my life -- I know because I have decided that this is the end of it - I will do this and I will get some sanity in my life around weight!!!!

Watch the exercise - it can tire you out and weaken you in the beginning - give yourself time to adjust. Come, read and post, keep shaking and slurping and drinking tons of water ---- it works... MF works if you commit and embrace this plan to your head and heart and treat yourself as well as you would treat a dear friend.

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby lorriehartley » March 25th, 2004, 5:10 pm

Thank you so much for the encouragement, I really need it. Thank you for taking time to reply. It makes this journey not feel so lonely.
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Postby Starloser63 » March 26th, 2004, 7:08 am

Dear Lorrie,

First it is tought the first few days maybe longer. But hang tough you will make it through and then you will not only feel good physically but mentally you will be estatic! Because you hung on and got it right.

You shouldn't be exercising your first 3-4 weeks if you havent exercised before and if you were exercising then your suppose to cut it in half.

I have never been an exerciser, but I do have a 2.5 y/o and I can't cut that in half ;) .

This is day 4 for me and I am still in the blahs! The people that get their WOW! by day 4 are blessed. I am still waiting but it is ok. I am going to survive and reach my goal.

Hope you have a better day today!

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Postby Guest » March 26th, 2004, 9:37 am

Hi Susan,
I made it! I made it through my second day, and now I am on my third. I am walking about 30 minutes, not at a fast pace either. I have an extremely stressful job and I have to do something to keep my blood pressure under control. My blood pressure is one of the big reasons I decided to lose weight. It really isn't about wearing a smaller size clothes, it is about my health. Although, smaller clothes would be an awesome bonus.

I have a four almost five year old, I compare her to a wind up toy. give her two hours sleep and she can go all day and then some.

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Day 4

Postby BHEldridge » March 26th, 2004, 11:31 am

This is day 4 for me and I want something to eat right now so bad! I'm doing the modified. Do all of you do the complete or modified? Look forward to getting to know you and supporting each other.

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Postby Guest » March 26th, 2004, 11:55 am

Hi Brenda,
I do the complete. Yesterday was very hard for me to make it through, but I logged on line and in about 15 minutes I was okay. Do something, anything to get your mind off of food. Last night about 10:30 I took a bubble bath, that helped. Also, I really life the beef boullion broth, that has saved me.

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Postby explorthis » March 26th, 2004, 2:54 pm

A Beef-Boullion-Bubble-Bath?

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Postby Jims Chick » March 26th, 2004, 3:45 pm

uh....where do the bubbles come from? :shock:
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Postby Landylue » March 26th, 2004, 4:43 pm

Hang in there, ladies! It DOES get better. It took me almost three weeks to the day before the desire to eat something--ANYTHING subsided. I wasn't particularly hungry, I just missed the activity of EATING! All that is over now, though, and it is soooooooooo much better. (I can't say that it has hit "orgasmic" yet, though.) I still have to look away from billboards advertising food or change channels when a food commercial comes on, but, again, it is so much easier now.

I read somewhere once to get rid of a habit, you must replace it with something else. I guess smokers reach for gum, and alcoholics replace the booze with juice or cold drinks. I've replaced the time I spent eating with coming online to read posts on this website. I get much more comfort and help here than I ever did at the bottom of a bag of chips. So will you.

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