so hard!!

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so hard!!

Postby slowlylosing » February 21st, 2006, 9:27 pm

Hi All,

I need some encouragement. The diet itself is relatively easy.. I enjoy it (except all the peeing! LOL) and the weekends get a little tricky..but what is really hard is being short and losing weight sloooowwly.. I am almost done with week 4 and I am only down 9 pounds... I am losing an average of 2 pounds a week.. I know I am going down so I should not be complaining but for the amount I am eating I feel like I should be melting away! :-)

I am anxiously awaiting the lose of 30 more pounds!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!

Thanks for listening.... :-)
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slowly loosing

Postby Jan » February 22nd, 2006, 12:18 am

Two pounds each week is not a bad weight loss. At least it is consistent. We all lose at our own rate. I too am a slooooow looser and I'm tall -- 5'8" to be exact. It depends upon our own metabolism and the amount of extra pounds we have. Those with lots to lose seem to lose a little quicker. I needed to part with about 50 pounds and I did.My metabolism is rather sloooow. In fact I've always said in case of a famine I'd be one of the very last up and walking around. Don't worry those pounds will be gone and remember this is the safest and quickest way to part with those pesky pounds. :mrgreen:
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Postby Patti » February 22nd, 2006, 5:19 am


I was right where you are during my first month. I am short and have 30 lbs. to lose. It took a month for me to lose 9.5 lbs. During that time I had actually gained a bit, then lost it again. I have gone a week and a half with no weight loss, but in the end, I am averaging about a 2.5 lb. loss each week.

I have been losing inches and have gone from a size 12 stretch jeans (which were tight), to size 12 regular jeans (which now are too baggy in the legs and butt), to size 10 regular jeans with size 8 regular jeans standing by :lol: And....this has all come about in six weeks! So, I am very pleased with my progress.

Just stick with the program and you will lose the weight. I was very discouraged the first month because I thought I should be losing more. I even thought about quitting. But, I am so glad I stuck with it. I just had to change my mindset and realize that everyone's body is different and we all lose at different rates. My aha! moment came the other day in the grocery store...I picked up a 10# bag of potatoes and could not believe how heavy it seemed and that I had actually lost that much fat in 4 weeks...I am a true believer in the program now :cheermed: I think that living in a world of instant gratification and quick fixes contributes to our high expectations and disappointments during weight loss. It took years to put the weight on, yet when we decide we want to do something about it, we want it off "like yesterday"!

You are doing great :kool:

<img border="0" src=";10720;129;0;1/c/132/t/125/s/154.5/k/ed31/weight.png">

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Postby hollyhouse » February 22nd, 2006, 9:03 pm

Wow patti! That really inspired me!
I am a slowwwwww loser and getting frustrated!

And we have about the same amount to lose( i have alittle bit more)

But its nice to see someone else in the same zone as me.

<img border="0" src="">

This is my first goal
2nd goal is 130
then 120
then final 118
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2006, 12:49 am

Dear Slowly ~

Patti hit the nail on the head, didn't she? If I thought growing a wee bit taller would speed things up for me, I'd say, "Bring on the Rack, let's go for a stretch!"

I think about those inches a whole lot more than I think about the poundage. The public rarely gets a glimpse of the pounds but they sure do SEE the inches!

When I'm walking in the mall and I watch the people walking ahead of me, I don't think about their scale number. I really have no idea of how much they weigh but I can see how wide or how narrow they are - I'll take inches any day!

If you are eating all of your Medimeals, your full Lean & Green portions, slurping all the :water: and getting plenty of :snooze: then you are doing all the right things - remember, Little Darlin' we can't rush GREAT things! You are doing a GREAT thing for yourself - you've already lost a bag of dog food!

Sometimes when we start the exercise component our weight loss can slow down for a week or two but then it picks right back up. Keep on going!
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