I just had to post this..
I am so happy otday
last night my darling hubby gave me a present for losing 75 lbs so far.!!
If any of you scrapbook you will no what this is.. As i am a avid scrapbooker..
HE got me a Cricut machine. IT IS WONDERFUL it is a fairly new machine and is so popular with scrapbookers. It is spendy so i was surprised.. but love it.
HE said he was happy i had lost 50 lbs but to do 75 wow he felt i deserved something.
what agreat guy. I am doing great, still have 30 or so more to lose but now i can see the end of the tunnel coming..
just had to tell all even if some of you dont no what the machine is heheh..
Remember you can do it.!!!
Mind over matter.