Hello everyone.. I do not know if you remember me as i have not posted for awhile. Just been busy.. Hubby had meetings out of town and i was able to go. Stuck pretty well on plan. I always called ahead and made sure the Hotel had a coffee pot or one of those that just warm up water so i could have my warm meals..
I just wanted to say hi and check in since I have not posted for awhile.
I have to tell you i am with in about 20-25 pounds of my GOAL!!!!
I COULDNT BE happeir..
I remember starting MF in April. I couldnt wait to lose 25 pounds, then i couldnt wait to be under 200. Then came the time I couldnt wait tell i had lost 75 pounds. Well people i am past that now.
This week I have really set my mind to it since I am so close. I started walking on the treadmill agin which I was doing and stopped.
I was hoping ot be down to where I want by christmas but dont know if I will make that.
BUT you know what..? I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
When I reach my goal I will send in another picture to show you all.
If you are just starting MF all I can say is stick with it.
IT does work
I Feel GREAT..
Sure there have been hard times I wanted to eat.. Who wouldnt when you are used to eating and weigh what I weighed..
Just stick with it..
I totally believe it is Mind Over Matter.
This Matters to me and I will get there SO SOON.
Thanks for reading.
Have a GREAT Week..
Terri in Sunny Ca...