Happy New Years!!!!!!!!! I am returning for good.

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Happy New Years!!!!!!!!! I am returning for good.

Postby katieb920 » January 3rd, 2007, 8:27 am

First of all I just wanted to Wish everyone a Happy New Year.

So I started again Yesterday. I am so excited to start. Almost a year ago I started and did real well. I lost 35#. Then there was an accident in the family. I just lost it I ate everythng in sight. I tried to restart but I just could not do it. But I have alot of encouragement from my husband and my son. They basically told me If was able to quit smoking for my New years resolution In 1999 I could do this.(wow 8 years ago and still not one ciggarette) I am going to dedicate my life to losing weight. I am tired of being looked at and the glares that come with the look. I am tired of not being able to tie my shoes with out gasping for Breath. And the one thing I am really tired of is Going shopping for Clothes. They have some nice things for Heavier women But they are also alot of Money.

When I was on this the last time everyone in the forum was [wonderful]. I am going to come on this site everyday and look at the before and after pictures. ****lauren***** you are my inspiration. YOU LOOK AWESOOME. I hope one day I can look like that.

I am not going to rush myself this time. I am going to take it one day at a time. Not feeling like I have to hit my weight at a certain time.

Happy weight loss Year Everyone.
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Postby electra000 » January 3rd, 2007, 8:34 am

Welcome Katieb! I have just re-started too! We can do this! :D
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Postby Karli » January 3rd, 2007, 8:34 am

Hi, Katie, welcome back :). I think you are so right to have your health and your current project with your health be your focus for the year. I have found that when I consciously decide that I am going to take care of myself and put thought and effort into that, it feels really, really good. Kudos to you for being willing, I think that's what it really takes.

Also, I think it's great that you are not putting a time limit on yourself and just taking it as it comes. We can obviously set whatever little goals along the way, but, learning how to do this is the most important thing for sure.

Glad you're back and I look forward to doing this with you !!

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Postby dede4wd » January 3rd, 2007, 8:52 am

Hi Katieb,
Welcome back! There's a group of us re-starters here! Let's all do this together!

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Postby Lauren » January 3rd, 2007, 9:15 am

Hey, Katie, welcome back! You are going to do great - just follow the plan, make no excuses, and smile! Thank you so much for the kind words, it is amazing that I can be an inspiration to someone else, when I still feel totally awe-inspired by others here! But if I can offer any support, then I am thrilled!

I quit smoking too, it will be two years in April, and it was the single most important thing that made me realize I could get a handle on my food/eating issues. I always thought I needed the cigs and the food as my vices for life, and when I quit smoking it wasn't nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be, so it gave me the confidence to tackle the diet. I realize now how easy it was to numb everything with those vices, and that life is so much more colorful when we have to live it without blinders. I think a great part of not being allowed to drink alchohol during MF is that it really forces us to jump in to the deepest emotional levels at a time when we feel most vulnerable - being stripped of our "pacifiers." Use this time to understand what makes you tick, what makes you happy, how you can find joy and calm through healthy activities.

We're all here to help, good luck to you - but you won't need it, it's easy!

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Postby Karli » January 3rd, 2007, 9:19 am

(Great post, Lauren :) )
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Postby pinkbugs471 » January 3rd, 2007, 10:40 am

welcome back, and nice to meet you.
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