Happy New Year!!!

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Happy New Year!!!

Postby dlr2424 » January 7th, 2006, 12:51 pm

Happy New Year to everyone old and new....... :bighug: ......Hugs to all of my medibuddies and a welcome to the newbies....... :wavie: .......December left little time to post as other priorities took hold........ :yes: .....College stuff...for our first child.... :hmmm: ..visits.... :shock: ..applications....scholarships....etc..etc. ....however....life is busy but good...........maintaining is going well..... :hmmm: ...although the holidays did leave a few memories on my hips... :huh: ....that's okay.... ;) ....I know what it takes to remove them........ :yes: .....those magical little packets... :D ....looking forward to meeting all the newbies who will soon be thinnies....... :bananadance: ........


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Postby ljm498 » January 7th, 2006, 1:19 pm

Donna, great to hear from you and happy new year to you too! I'm glad to hear everything is going well for you and that you are maintaining like a champ! With all that comes with that first year of college I'm sure you are super busy.

Glad to see you back!

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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 1:58 am

:byebye: Hi ya and Happy :bouncie: New Healthier Year to you, too!

We missed ya around here and all your little :angel: huggies and :lol: happies. Many of us are glad that December is over and life is back to semi-normal again!

So...the first born is :drive: off to college, eh? Living in the dorm? :shock: Uh oh! Hope you sent some Miracle Packets along...you know how it goes with :bib: cafeteria or dorm food...

Got some holiday hippage going on there, TOO, huh? :huh:

Yeah, well there are several of us :oops: back on the program this week.

We will :weightlift: fight and destroy the :twisted: holiday food damage in a short time!
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Postby dlr2424 » January 8th, 2006, 1:48 pm

Nancy...... :hug: ........xoxoxo.............my first born isn't off to college yet...... :D ......she is a senior and the past 2 months have been hectic..... she has been stressed in looking into colleges... :hammerhead1: ..the decision process.........visiting.... :table: ..testing.......applying.... :puter: ....and then researching scholarships................a time consuming task........meeting all the requirements and deadlines......prioritizing isn't her strong point...... :hmmm: .....well if socializing was the priority then she would get an A+........ anyway....I am so glad December is past and holiday foods are gone.... :yes: ..back on track......


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