I had a lovely Christmas Eve with a dear friend who supports me wholeheartedly as I strive to continue my weight loss and come into more balance with my physical self. It has not been easy this holiday season but perseverance is winning, thank goodness. I am still adjusting to both of my parents being gone as the main focus at Christmas was to get home to be together with them. It is good that I am establishing my own Christmas traditions now. One of them is my elder sister and I decided last year that we would get together for the New Year celebration. So, I leave to visit her Wed. morning. I shared special time with my employees this year as I was here and since we work in a hospital lab we are always open the holidays. That felt very good to do that.
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of us as we continue our journey into healthier lifestyles. I have had some setbacks but am continuing forward because I am truly beginning to believe what Nancy says about "nothing tastes as good as thin feels."...I really do want to be able to say that and be 95 pounds lighter than I am now.
Lisa in Dallas
May28, 2004