Ok, so here it is the night before I start my program...
I'm excited and nervous. I'm not nervous to start the program, I'm nervous about keeping the weight off.
I've lost the weight before, only for it to come back. I'm so tired of losing the weight. I've changed the way I eat and the types of foods, now I need to change the amounts. I have to watch my portions.
My worry or fear is that I won't keep the weight off again!!
I know I can't let that stop me...I must perservere. The Lord did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power...power IN HIM.
I'm praying for the Lords strength and power here.
I've decided to come up with a small goal. I'm starting the program tomorrow... 6/6/07 , My goal is to lose 15lbs, by 6/30/07, which is my birthday.