Happy Friday Gang......(& Miscellaneous Comments)

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Happy Friday Gang......(& Miscellaneous Comments)

Postby Carrie » March 5th, 2004, 6:32 am


TGIF!! I'm so glad it's Friday...... and at 5pm I'll be FREE for 2 days! (of course that also mean managing my first MF weekend). I'm making a big list of things I'd like to get done .... I have a long list of friends and family that I owe a call to, so I may spend the entire weekend on the phone, but hey it'll distract me from temptation right ?!

There's a segment on the dangers of gastric bypass surgery on 48 hours tonight. I'm going to watch it, though I've never considered surgery, I think it'll be a big motivator. It'll scare me straight!

I had my dutch choc RTD with a tablespoon of german choc cake davinci sugar free this morning, it was GOOD. Hazelnut is good too, but leaves a bit of aftertaste.

Thought I'd mention the show tonight in case you all wanted to watch.

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Postby TamiL » March 5th, 2004, 6:58 am

Happy Friday!! its a rainy, raw Friday here in Massachusettes...but the sun is rising earlier in the morning...which is nice!!
after reading Carries post about Gastric Bypass...I wanted to share something with all of you about my opinon of the surgery.
Its the easy way out folks. think about it. the majority of people I know who have had it done only loose about 60% of the weight they want to..then they plateau...and some even Gain weight back!! its an OPERATION that can be deadly. I work for a Fire Department, and one of the guys on my Department had this surgery done a few years back..he lost weight, but now cannot stomach much food..he cannot take medications in the form of pills cuz it eats away at whats left of his stomach...hes on a down hill slope since that surgery..and hes STILL FAT!!! Its just not worth it. We have an ISSUE with FOOD, the issue is in our HEADS not our STOMACH's!! have you heard of all the people who have this surgery and get severly depressed due to the fact that they can no longer eat..and they cant DEAL with the FEELINGS they can no longer stuff down. sure...some get half thier stomachs taken out, but still are going to want to eat, binge and so forth, it dosent leave you....once you have an issue with food..I beleive its always an issue, what we have to learn to do is control our emotions...control our desires to EAT NOW and feel guilty later!! the Firefighter I work with is dead against this operation now...now that his life has been altered by it, he eats untill he is sick to his stomach, and that is what most people will do, because its an ISSUE with FOOD, that will not leave you no matter how much food your poor cut up stomach can hold!! I have transported patients who have had this surgery...seen the complications they have..and not ONE OF THEM WAS THIN!!! NOT ONE!!! Maybe this surgery works well for others...perhaps I have only seen the "bad" side of it...but show me someone who has had it (that isnt a celebrity) and is THIN with no complications!!! I would hope that there is some who after undergoing the knife...and the risk...get what they paid for!!!

anyhoo...thats just my 2 cents on the Surgery thing...we are on Medifast..and there is no need to look for further "fixes"
we are home here..if we follow this program and REPORGRAM our lives and make lifestyle changes....we will meet our goals..and stay there!

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Postby Carrie » March 5th, 2004, 7:26 am

Oops, I wasn't clear in my earlier post.

The segment is on the DANGERS of gastric bypass. In the trailer I heard this morning they said that 18 people have died after having the surgery in the last year.

I would never consider surgery. I am terrified of needles and anything invasive. Trust me, the last time I had a shot I left the Dr's office, got in my car, called my mom and balled like a baby. And that was after leaping off the Dr's table, running across the exam room to get away from the needle, and then crying like an idiot in front of the nurse. My age at the time? 32.

:help: :oops:

So I'm watching tonight to get a healthy dose of 'reality as an obese person'. I think the program will give me extra R-E-S-O-L-V-E to stick to my medifast plan! :shades:
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby elle4nelly » March 5th, 2004, 12:47 pm

Good Idea!

And I agree with Tami! There is no easy quick fixes in life when it comes to losing weight. Medifast is great for many reason but we should take the time while we are on medifast to examine what got us to FatVille USA! And get a grip of our emotions. For most of us the fear of dealing with emotions is what drives us to overeat. In life, when confronted with fears and doubt...there is no other way but facing them full front!!!!! It is scary but the more often we do it the more it becomes 2nd nature! And often we will realise that F.E.A.R stands for F--alse E..xpectations A...pearing R...eal!

Get my grip? So anyway...my point is that we need to start really investing time in learning better ways of life and better ways of coping with life 's curve balls....
I buy a lot of health magazine and read self help books about eating and emotions....becasue I know that losing weight this time for me is easy...but once I get to my dream...I must do all that I can to keep my dream alive...so I am already..(80 lbs away from goal) learning about emotions and eating as well as what a healthy lifestyle is. That way..I won't reach my weight goal and not be equiped to keep the weight off...

Well my beautiful people of the Shakin Nation....
Keep 'em shaking!
This Train is still going to Thinville...

Nelly :D
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Postby shineface » March 5th, 2004, 6:22 pm

Hi Carrie, Tami & Nelly---

Maybe we were quads in a past life...

I have a girlfriend that's a nurse and when I used to talk about looking into GB surgery she'd tell me horror stories about GB gone bad. THis would be reality TV--- the pain of obesity and the pain of obesity treatment and all of the problems that come with it. Blood clots, death, months of recovery for some people, death - she saw it all and graphically shared it with me .... used to Pee me off because I thought that would be my final chance.

BUT thank God I sat on my butt and watched Lifetime movies whenever I had time to --- then, a MF commercial -- did a little on line investigation and figured what have I got to lose (pun intended).

I don't want to die - I don't think I have to at this point - thank God for all of you!!!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Guest » March 8th, 2004, 10:13 am


I love that Channel...Am addicted to it!!

well...keep on shaking beautiful Pam.... I think Medifast is a far better option to Gastric Surgery. The weight loss is faster anyway than most other if not all other diets out there! We just need to really take time to nurture ourselves NOW and learn to understand ourselves NOW and not when we arrive in ThinVille USA. We are Good People who have suffered thepain of obesity and we should forgive ourselves and learn to appreciate who we are right now. So let's enjoy this train ride to Thinville and let us all be glad we care enough about ourselves to have finally done something right about our weight problem!

Keep'em shaking!

Nelly :D
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