Hangin' on this week

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Hangin' on this week

Postby jump4joy » April 19th, 2006, 9:59 am

Hi all! :wave: I want you to know that I think that this is a GREAT group of Medifasters! I don't know why, but I've felt a little shy about posting since my intro last week. It's a big group here, but warm and friendly. So I'll do my best to get to know you better and jump in here as often as time permits.

I've been doing fine on plan and feeling strong until two days ago...PMS has whacked me hard in the face and I've been hangin' on for dear life...but STILL hanging on....in large THANKS to my great new Health Advisor, Jan Kingery, who I was lucky enough to find here. She must have a sixth sense cuz she called me on Monday just in the nick of time when I was ready to crack and eat something off-program. I usually go quiet and don't ask for help when I'm struggling, but I know that's counter-productive behavior. Yesterday, she gave me some very good advice to get through these PMS days... I had a supplement every two hours, plus I maxed out on all the allowed extras that Medifast recommends, and made it through the day by the skin of my teeth! :mrgreen:

Easter was a tough day with all the chocolate and candy around the house.....but NONE of it has crossed my lips...and it WON'T! I've asked my hubby and DD's to keep it out of sight. I did end up eating a little tooooo much ham though....thank goodness it's all gone! I was up a pound yesterday, but was back down this morning, 200.8 and holding.

Last month I had a solid eight days on Medifast behind me when my PMS hit, and I folded after only 1 1/2 days into it. :hammerhead: It's definitely my danger time :couch: So after that week, I started reading on this site and was inspired by DeDe's (Yeah DeDe!!!!) post about making a 30 day committment.....I thought I'd try that too--and jumped right back on with my own 30-day committment. Today is Day 20 for me and I'm hopeful and determined to hang tough this week...I don't expect to lose weight this week....I seldom do when TOM is coming.....just don't want to fall off this ole Medifast wagon.

Hey Lizabette, I liked your idea about adding our picture to our avatar! I'm trying to decide which of my current pics is less awful, and DD13 is going to show me how to send it to Unca. I'll try to get it up soon...I do love seeing all your beeeuuuuutiful faces!!!
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Postby falisamarie » April 19th, 2006, 10:34 am

Joy, I am so pleased that you are doing so well. This forum and Jan are what keeps me going many times (well that and parayer) You are gonna do great and even the PMS evens out after a couple of months so just hang in there, you can do it!

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Postby jump4joy » April 19th, 2006, 10:41 am

Thank you, Lisa....I appreciate your comments! I'm hoping and counting on my PMS evening out the longer I'm on Medifast...thanks for that reminder. Prayer is extremely important to me too---where I can find the peace and solace that only the Lord can give.

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Postby supermom » April 19th, 2006, 11:08 am

Hang in there Joy!! You sound committed, and that is part of what it takes to succeed on this program. Keep hanging on and you will do fine. Skinny is just around the corner!!
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Postby jump4joy » April 19th, 2006, 11:33 am

Thank you kindly, Laurie. I'm hoping to reach Slimdom by my 50th birthday next January 7th. I'd love to enter that new decade fit and fabulous....leaving my frumpy forties behind me forever!!!

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Postby MISSANNE » April 19th, 2006, 11:58 am

No need to be shy here! :couch:
These are the best group of women and men I have ever met. I wish we all lived in the same town so I could have friends like all of you!!!
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