Hangin on

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Hangin on

Postby falisamarie » February 26th, 2006, 1:36 pm

I want to first af all thank all of you for your encouragement this past week. Second I want to apologize for being so whiney and complaining. This has truly been some week. Today I weighed and lost 3lbs last week so that is not so bad. I had a real struggle today staying on program (by the way thanks Gina for the pledge idea it really helps) This week was a real test for me and I am pleased with myself that I passed that test ( at least so far still some hours to go today) I refuse to give in, food will not be my comfort!! Tomorrow is a brand new day of healthy eating and losing fat!!

Ok no more whining let's all get to shakin

Lisa :heart:
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 26th, 2006, 2:22 pm

Aww Lisa Hugs.. you have had quite a week and you should be very proud that you kept on track with the mf. YW for the pledge idea, although it's not really my idea Ijust modified it from the quit smoking place.lol It has helped me too, on those really hard days.

I have had a few days where I felt SO sorry for myself it was rediculous...Thats when I take to the net and virutal shop...for allll the pretty clothes I am gonna wear AND look good in, once I reach goal. It's a real motivator let me tell ya! :lol:

Hang in there woman! You CAN do this!


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Postby lauradr » February 26th, 2006, 3:29 pm

Lisa, My prayers are with you and here is a big hug :bighug:
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby DogMa » February 26th, 2006, 4:10 pm

I think everyone feels the same. You were definitely NOT whining. You've had a really rough time of it, and major kudos to you for holding strong. If you can get through THIS without food, you can get through pretty much anything!

And my condolences again on the loss of your dog.

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Postby JustLynda » February 26th, 2006, 6:19 pm

Vicky wrote:Lisa~

First of all, I want to thank YOU for being so encouraging to all of us, despite all the emotional and physcial discomfort you've been in this week.

Secondly, do not apologize for being "whiney." You are/were anything but that, let me tell you. You know, this is a SUPPORT board, albeit a weight loss support board, but we're all family and friends here, right? Family and friends are here for each other in good times and bad, in sad times and happy.

One's physical and emotional pain plays a large part in their weight loss journey, so in my opinion, we should feel free to "whine or cry" a little on here any time we have the need.

I do hope this coming week will be a little less stressful for you, though! Even a woman as tough and strong as you can only take SO MUCH!! :x

We'll keep the good thoughts, prayers, and hugs coming your way, and you keep posting!


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What a week

Postby Jan » February 26th, 2006, 8:09 pm

Wow Lisa,
You have had some week. I am soooo sorry. :( But, I've decided you can pat yourself on the back for doing sooo great. :mrgreen: Your bad luck is changing to good so I'm thinking you won't dislocate that shoulder we were worried about. Plus when I come to visit I'll not worry about walking around with you during a lightning storm ;) I see good times ahead. Give Tabitha a big hug for me.
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Postby 2BHealthy » February 26th, 2006, 8:42 pm

way to go Lisa! 3LBS is awesome!! It's especially great that you lost it when you were going through everything that you did. You are so strong girl!!
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