hair loss and hanging skin!!!!!!!

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hair loss and hanging skin!!!!!!!

Postby angela » October 15th, 2005, 1:00 pm

Hi! I have been on Medifast since March 2005 and have lost 86 lbs. I have approx. that same amount left to lose.

Problem: My hair is really struggling to stay in my head!! It has really come out in the front and I am somewhat sad about that. Suggestions please to help me with this???

Also since I have struggled with obesity for a while my skin's integrity and elasticity is BAD. My arms are "hanging" and the area around my chin and neck is "wrinkly". Suggestions please???? I did join CURVES for women which is helping as I'm continuing to lose.

I will welcome any suggestions.

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Postby ladyhawke » October 15th, 2005, 3:08 pm

Hi there Angela, for the hair loss take 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil a day and there is more you can do if you want..enter "hair loss" after you click the search thingy above next to FAQ and under Nancy's toll free number.
Mine fell out too, good thing I have a lot and the flaxseed oil helps, you can get it at the health food store.
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Postby jenn161012 » October 15th, 2005, 4:28 pm

Ladyhawke is right: flax oil helps the skin and hair because of its high content of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, try taking a biotin supplement. Biotin is a b-vitamin and will also help improve the health of your hair.
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Postby Tk » October 19th, 2005, 8:46 am

My hair just began falling out about 3 weeks ago. At first I thought I was crazy, or it was just my imagination, then I took a good look at my brush. LOTS OF HAIR, and there are very thin spots on the top of my head!! After reading this post, I RAN to the health food store and bought flax seed oil (the oil, not capsules) and Biotin.

Ok, this stuff does not taste really well!! YUK!! First, I just drank it from the spoon and said, remember, don't do this again, (bad taste) so this morning I added it to my shake, bad taste again!! YIKES!! How do I do this without gagging? I didn't buy the capsules cause they were HUGE!! I h ave problems swallowing large pills!!

Ok, my next question, it's oil!! A tablespoon is 130 calories with 130 calories is from fat. Will I gain weight from taking this product????
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Postby Jade » October 19th, 2005, 10:26 am

Good question TK :idea:
Perhaps Nancy can tell us. What causes the hair loss anyway? I haven't had it yet but just went out today and bought the flax seed oil in case. I can't afford to lose any hair. Mine is on the thin side already. Jade
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Postby jenn161012 » October 19th, 2005, 10:52 am

From my understanding one tablespoon of flax oil is too much - even if that is what the label says. You will obtain the results by using 1 teaspoon because the pure oil is so high in omega 3s. If your flax oil has "ligans" in it, that may be what is causing the bad taste. Also, check the expiration date of the oil (once, I inadvertantly purchased a bottle of expired oil) and the types of preservatives that are used. My favorite brand is Barleans (you can buy this directly from the website or at some healthfood stores). It comes in a great squirt bottle and the flax is organic. I just squirt a bit on top of my lean and green and there is no horrible taste.

As an alternative you can try using whole flax seeds; in which case, you would consume an entire tablespoon. If you go this route, do not get flax meal, which is the remaining portion of the seeds after it has been pressed for oil. Note also that some people report that using whole flax seeds has a laxative effect, which you may think is good or bad....
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Postby Tk » October 19th, 2005, 11:23 am

Thanks for the info Jen. I don't remember the name of the oil I purchased. But I do remember it did say organic on it. Tommorrow I will only use a teaspoon, today it was a table spoon.
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Postby Nancy » October 19th, 2005, 12:52 pm

Some people do experience temporary hair loss or hair thinning while on the weight loss phase. Usually people on the 5 and 1 Plan do not experience it as much as those who are on the Complete Meal Replacement plan. The addition of salad dressing usually as enough oil to help to maintain hair support.

I was on the complete meal replacement program and my hair thinned.

At the time I was de-flabbing, there were no resources for me – no MakeMeThinner website or Forum and my Health Advisor was bald…so he had not experienced what some of you are now noticing.

I expected to lose some fur because I had been on other VLCDs (very low calorie diets) in my pre-Medifast years so I knew my fur would return.

I was willing to be a Chrome Dome and eat cat poop if it helped me lose weight. Talk about desperate housewives…

I started taking Oil of Evening Primrose capsules and Omega 3 Trans Fatty Acid Capsules approximately six months into my weight loss program.

I was on the weight loss phase for 7 months and lost 128 pounds and then during transition and maintenance, I lost a few more pounds, for a total of 135 pounds.

I did not take biotin at the time because I had not heard about it at that point in my program. A lot of hair salons carry biotin-fortified shampoos, conditioners and supplements. It has become a very popular item for both men and women who are experiencing thinning hair. Health food stores also carry biotin, Oil of Evening Primrose and Omega 3 Fish Oil caps – we purchase ours at Trader Joe’s.

Hair loss is temporary. Hair loss is not unique to Medifast – people experience thinning hair from many weight loss programs. I had thinning hair while on the very well-known weight loss program named after a lady in southern California...also whe I was at the DC, WLC, and NS...

We are getting a well-balanced product every time we mix a Medifast shake, soup or oatmeal.

I get more vitamins and minerals in my Medifast meal packets than I ever got before I started on Medifast – my previous daily diet consisted of a stack or two of Ritz crackers, two bags of Butterlicious Microwave Popcorn and 1 cube of butter a day. And several humongous macadamia nut cookies…it’s a wonder I wasn’t a bald fat Chubbete because I certainly didn’t come close to the RDA standards in my pre-Medifast days!

I know that may not ring your chimes but to me, it was not a big deal – my arteries, my heart, my waistline and my thinking abilities matter more to me than my hairstyle and I am VERY ‘looks’-oriented and a very high maintenance woman – right, Terry? Right, Unca? Right, Jan?

Re: loose skin…our skin is a living organ.

I try to explain it like this – when you blow up a latex balloon and it is inflated for several days the latex gets stretched out. If you can manage to untie a latex balloon and let the air out, it does not return to its original shape right away. Over a course of time, it reshapes and looks less puckery. It is not perfect like in its pre-inflated state but it is less puckery than it was when you first untied the balloon. As time goes by, your skin will tighten up.

There are many factors to consider – age, general health conditions, genetics, lifestyle, etc. I am not a smoker or a boozer. I am a sun-worshiper. If the sun is out, I’m in it. I love to work in the yard and read poolside or snorkel and tan on the beach. I have probably gathered plenty of UV rays in my lifetime for 6 people. My skin is not perfect. I have those dang old liver spots on my arms, hands and face. I get freckles every summer and I love getting them. My upper arms are not my best feature. It would be awesome to have my wings clipped but I find wearing ¾ length sleeves fine with me. When I was porky, I didn’t wear sleeveless blouses then either. I don’t like people looking in my sleeve holes at my arm pits – AND they always do – come on, now – don’t you sneak a peek at a pit? My stomach looks pretty smooth for a flabuless fifty-seven year old belly…my upper thighs are not my best feature but then again, look at most ladies – do we get thrilled about flaunting our thighs? So they are a bit shaky, big deal! I look mighty good in my clothes – there are no other grandmothers in our neighborhood wearing size 4 leather pants and riding around in a Lotus convertible…

Our attitude has so much to do with how we look and how we feel about ourselves. If we worry about how loose our skin will be or how many hairs we count in the hairbrush, we’ll never get the job done.

It is not very healthy to weigh 267 pounds and have a full head of hair.

When I weighed 267 pounds:
I couldn’t crawl around on the floor with my grandson…
I could not walk for miles on the beach collecting rocks with my friends Bonnie and Carol…
I couldn’t ride the Tilt-o-Whirl with my husband Terry and Friend Jan in the SAME seat…
I couldn’t fit in the Bumper Cars and climb in and out without a crane….
Fit in the turnstile at the amusement park…
Buy hot clothing in boutiques or regular clothing stores…
Couldn’t fit in a regular toilet stall…
Didn’t feel comfy taking off my coat in a crowd
Didn’t like to stand on a stage or in front of a classroom

The list goes on and on…

My photos are unretouched. What you see is what you get.

I appear and speak at regional and national Take Shape for Life meetings all the time.

Many of you wonderful MakeMeThinner Forum Folks have met me In The Thin.

Oregon Rose Nancy recently hugged me at Starbuck’s and we laughed about my backfat – it’s gone! …Jan and Paul see me all the time, Bonnie sees me up-close and personal, Sister met me in Park City, NE Gal in So, Spidey, Explore This Mike, Hawaii WhatNot – Terry and yes, poor Unca, he SEES me…this coming Sunday, October 23rd LuzInIt Linda and hopefully LilMsTexas – maybe others - will see me In The Thin.

Give your body some time to adjust to the weight loss, do everything in your power to maintain your weight, drink plenty of water, exercise and it will tone up.

Do nothing, keep on eating the pizza, burgers, French fries, deep fried chicken and fish and your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood glucose, blood pressure and arteries will blow up but your hair will be fluffy and your skin will be firm when you’re lying in the coffin because that lifestyle does not promote life…

(Sheesh! This sounds like I got up in the wrong side of the bed this morning...)

When a person is on a weight loss program, particularly one with such a fine balance of protein to carbs to fat AND calories... it is important to follow the program closely and to not skip packets or add excess foods to it. Yes, the flaxseed oil is high in calories - it's oil = fat. Always read the labels before eating extra items. The Omega 3 capsules we take here at the old MakeMeThinner Cottage have 10 calories, my Oil of Evening Primrose has 5 calories and those softgels slip right down my slender throat. Sorry that you bought the oil, Little Darlin'...maybe you could use it in a salad dressing or to lubricate sticky windows!
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Postby ladyhawke » October 19th, 2005, 6:15 pm

TK, sorry you had a problem with the flaxseed oil, I just held my nose and took it, before I found this forum and our Beautiful Nancy I called Medifast Headquarters about my hair loss and Charlotte the advisor there told me about the 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil and that was from HDQ.

My sister had gastric bypass surgery and lost a lot of her hair also but it grew back in when she started to eat "normally" and on maintenance f course.
That was a couple of years ago and she was taking Biotin and something else.

I did the full fast because I didn't want to be bothered with food and I was on a roll so I didn't mind.
My hair is fine now, normal amount in the hairbrush.

Flax Seed Oil - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Flax?
Flax is the common name for a herb of the Linaceae Family. Flax used to be one of the major sources of cloth fibre (Linen) until the cotton industry took over. The oil is extracted from organically grown flax seeds using a special cold-pressing process which minimizes the damaging effects of light, oxygen and heat.

What is Flax Seed Oil?
Seeds from the Flax plant, native to Eurasia, are crushed to make Flax Seed Oil, often named Linseed Oil.

What are the Benefits of Supplementing with Flax Seed Oil?

Flax Seed Oil shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.
Flax Seed Oil increases the body’s production of energy and also increases stamina.
Flax Seed Oil accelerates the healing of sprains.
It eases weight loss in people afflicted with obesity.
It stimulates brown fat cells and increases the metabolic rate making it easier to burn off fat.
Flax Seed Oil improves the absorption of Calcium.
There is evidence to support that may improve the function of the anabolic hormone, insulin.
It is able to accelerate the healing of bruises.
Flax Seed Oil strengthens finger and toe nails.
It can improve eyesight and perception of colours.
It can often improve the function of the liver.
It can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.
Flax Seed Oil can relieve some cases of Asthma.
In some cases it may relieve Alopecia Areata with hair regrowth (After 1 Year of use).
It is helpful in the treatment of Eczema or flaky skin.
It is helpful in the treatment of Dandruff and also dull hair.
It can relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.
It can alleviate some allergies.
It helps prevent Atherosclerosis
Flax Seed Oil lowers high blood pressure in Hypertension sufferers.
Flax Seed Oil has been scientifically proven to treat some cases of depression.
It can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.
It can help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
It has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics.
It can relieve some cases of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in females.
The dietary essential fatty acids common to Flax Seed Oil are converted by the body to Prostaglandin's (a hormone like substance) which are important for regulating the following:

Steroid Production & hormone synthesis.
Pressure in joints, blood vessels and the eye.
Blood Clotting Ability.
Water retention.
Inflammation Pain.
Nerve Transmission.
Why Should I Consider Supplementing With Flax Seed Oil?
Our bodies are unable to produce the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) contained in Flax Seed Oil. In order to gain these we must consume this natural substance through dietary or supplement consumption. Surveys prove that around 80% of the population is deficient in EFA’s. Commercial refinement of foods containing fats and oils has almost eliminated EFA from our food chain. Flax seed oil is unique as it contains both essential fatty acids, alpha-linolenic (an Omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an Omega-6 Fatty acid) in generous amounts. Flax seed oil is one of the richest sources of Omega-3 EFA’s. It has 57% more Omega-3 fatty acids than fish oils.) EFA's are needed for the body to make "Prostaglandin's" which are hormone like substances. There are two EFA's that we need: Linoleic acid (Omega 6) and Linolenic Acid (Omega 3). A lack of these two fatty acids can cause a decrease in Testosterone levels. It is a valuable addition to the daily diet of both normal people and bodybuilders.

Do Other Supplements Have an Effect on Flax Seed Oil?
People who are deficient in Vitamins A, C, E, B2, B6, Pantothenic Acid, B12, biotin and minerals Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Zinc may have difficulty converting the Omega 6 fatty acid into the healthful prostaglandin's. Any good multivitamin supplement will ensure a good supply of these. Scientific research has proven that a combination of Flax Seed Oil with Borage Seed Oil to be an excellent combination offering a true "Omega Twin". The best Omega-3 fatty acids come from the Flax seed oil and the best Omega-6 fatty acids are provided by the Borage Seed Oil. Excessive alcohol intake can damage the enzymes needed to utilise the EFA in Flax Seed Oil.

But if I Eat Fat, Surely I Will Become Fat?
No, it is not a question of fat, It is a question of the right fat. Flax Seed Oil is one of the healthiest sources of fat. It is understandable that some are reluctant to increase their fat intake for fear that they will get fat but no-one has ever gotten fat from consuming Flax Seed Oil in any quantity. Cutting out fats is good from a cardiovascular viewpoint but it reduces Testosterone levels. To ensure that Testosterone levels remain at an acceptable level, Flax Seed Oil and EFA’s seem to be the healthiest fats to consume. Every diet needs a percentage of Fat. Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are anti-lipogenic (which means they block fat storage) and increase beta oxidation (fat burning).

So What Types of Fat Does Flax Seed Oil contain? 1 gram of Flax Seed Oil contains the following:

Superunsaturated Fatty acids: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) – 550mg
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Linoleic Fatty Acid – 170mg
Saturated Fatty Acids: Palmitic Acid 60mg, Stearic Acid 40mg
Monosaturated Fatty Acids: Oleic Acid 180mg
Note: This may vary depending upon the brand that you buy.

Where Can I Get Flax Seed Oil?
Most Health and Nutrition Stores sell Flax Seed Oil in either liquid oil (bottles and containers) or 1000mg capsules.

Note: Flax Seed Oil in liquid form is very sensitive and is degraded by light, heat and air. Manufacturers often recommend that the Flax Seed Oil be kept inside it's original box, inside the fridge. In liquid form Flax Seed Oil can be consumed straight from the bottle, over a salad or in a shake. Capsules offer protection against oxidisation and contamination but quite a quantity have to be consumed at a time. Capsules are also more expensive than their liquid counterpart.

Note: Linseed Oil (Alternative name Flax Seed Oil) can also be found in DIY shops. This is the same product as Flax Seed Oil and is used as a varnish but it is NOT REFINED TO FOOD GRADE. Do not drink this varnish!

So How Much Flax Seed Oil Should I Supplement?
In order to prevent a deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids 1-2 teaspoons of Flax Seed Oil should be taken. For Mass and Bodybuilding there is increasing evidence that low fat diets relate to low levels of Testosterone. It is suggested that 1-3 Tablespoons is the optimal range for bodybuilding.

Note: 1 Tablespoon is equivalent to about 10-12 1000mg Capsules
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Postby Nancy » October 19th, 2005, 7:46 pm

Ladyhawke ~

Thank you, Little Darlin' for your informative post!

This one cracked me up:
It can improve the mental function of many old age pensioners.

How does one measure the mental function of old age pensioners vs. young age pensioners vs. old age non-pension peeps? Huh? See how that confuses me? Maybe I need another teaspoon of oil...

I was going out the door earlier when I wrote my comment ^ up there - and failed to tell you that men are beginning to take notice of the testosterone boost associated with Flax Seed Oil (! No further comment needed here...) and also its positive arthritis/joint health benefits.

It's a good thing, IMHO and not just for folks during the weight loss phase. It's good for during the life phase!

Some people on the complete program have 1 tsp - 1 T of oil per day in their shake/soup to ensure adequate fat intake to help prevent fur thinnin' and to keep the gall bladder from snoozin'.
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